The Digital Assistant Reshaping the Traditional Secretary Role




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Beginning with my master’s journey, I quickly realized the challenge of combining academic commitments with my 16-hour workweek. The search for an AI solution to enhance my productivity led me to, an AI tool that helps with personal time management. This discovery led me to a thought: could tools like this potentially take over the traditional secretary role?

Before integrating into my routine, my packed schedule left little room for personal growth activities. Reading and regular workouts became aspirations rather than realities. However, with, I noticed a significant upshift in my productivity. The tool’s intelligent scheduling, which factors in travel time for appointments at other addresses and even suggests optimal times for personal tasks like laundry, revolutionized my daily routine. It felt like I had a digital secretary, intuitively fulfilling my needs and refining my daily agenda.

Durojaye (2023) highlights the growing influence of AI in various sectors, particularly in tasks once reserved for company secretaries. While AI excels in efficiency, it cannot replicate the depth of understanding and expertise that human professionals offer, especially in complex situations. With the rise of AI tools, it becomes imperative for secretaries, especially those in traditional roles, to embrace these tools and spend less time on data processing.

While has been a great AI tool for my personal productivity, its broader implications raise questions about the future of the traditional secretary role. Yet, the human touch remains irreplaceable; there is, for instance, a sort of warmth in human reception that machines and AI tools cannot replace. Are you considering integrating an AI tool like into your routine? And how do you perceive its potential impact on the traditional secretary role?


Durojaye, M. O. (2023). A Futuristic View of the Secretarial Profession from an Artificial Intelligence Perspective. International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology7(5), 138.

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Eating Smart: Crafting the Perfect Meal Plan with AI




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Did you know that ChatGPT, which nowadays assists people in numerous daily tasks, can also act as a virtual dietitian, tailoring meal plans to individual preferences? Last summer, in a last attempt to get fit for my vacation, I wanted to complement my fitness journey with a meal plan that would help me reach my fitness goals. While the normal route is to find a food scheme online or ask a dietitian, I thought of a different way, namely using ChatGPT.

I prompted ChatGPT to craft a low-calorie, high-protein breakfast and lunch plan, that would align with my fitness goals. As I am a student on a budget, I also requested budget-friendly products that I could use for multiple meals. Within moments, ChatGPT delivered a detailed meal plan, completed with a categorized grocery list. I was amazed about the precision and customization of the food scheme, making me wonder, could ChatGPT potentially disrupt the nutrition industry?

Gray (2023) delved into this after a TikTok went viral, showcasing ChatGPT’s ability to craft an endometriosis-friendly’, ‘hormone-balancing’ meal plan. Gray (2023) highlighted the appeal of AI-generated meal plans, as getting access to a dietician is challenging if you are not battling a serious illness.

Further, Kelly et al., (2020) agree that AI has amplified the accessibility of point-of-care health information, offering lifestyle and medical advice through conversational interactions. Kelly et al., (2020) further address that dietitians are already experiencing digital disruption, forcing dietitians to be the leaders of the disruption and not the subject.

However, while I was impressed by the knowledge ChatGPT has about nutrition, it is crucial to approach such tools with care. Gray (2023) pointed out that, unlike human experts, AI lacks the capability to detect the psychological factors that need to be considered, potentially leading to unsuitable diet plans.

In my view, AI-generated meal plans can offer great solutions for people without specific dietary constraints. Yet, people who, for instance, have a disease, should always talk with a human expert, ensuring psychological factors are taken into account.


Gray, C. (2023, May 12). My Chat GPT meal plan told me to cut my calories by a third + now I’m worried AI could further damage our relationships with food. Women’s Health.

Kelly, J. T., Collins, P. F., McCamley, J., Ball, L., Roberts, S., & Campbell, K. L. (2020). Digital disruption of dietetics: are we ready? Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34.

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