My CLI frustrations and how ChatGPT solved them.




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About a year ago, I started delving into the world of self-hosting services, things such as game servers, cloud storage and Netflix alternatives. The idea was to not be as dependent on SaaS providers, as I had a spare laptop lying around anyway, why not give it a go?  So the first thing I did was install Proxmox, a hypervisor to separate out the different services I was planning to set up.

This is where my struggles started, as you might be aware, most servers run on a Linux machine without a GUI. I soon discovered that Proxmox also primarily uses a command line interface. For those not aware, a CLI is where you write code to make your computer do anything at all, an example would be “cd usr/home” this would take you to that folder. 

While I got a grasp on the basics relatively quickly, the complexity increased just as fast for the things I wanted to achieve. This is where ChatGPT came to save the day, with 4o it could actively search the internet and scan through documentation to specifically create the command I required. Instead of needing to write in computer language, I could explain to ChatGPT what I was trying to do, and it would generate the exact commands I needed.

myservice.service – My Custom Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/myservice.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2023-10-02 12:34:56 UTC; 5s ago
Process: 1234 ExecStart=/usr/bin/myservice (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

It helped with reading these kinds of error codes as well, anyone familiar with these kinds of messages knows that they are completely unreadable if you don’t know all the documentation.

While you still need to be relatively tech-savvy to set up your services, I believe that with the increase in development of gen AI it will only get easier. 

You may wonder what the advantages are of going through all these hassles instead of simply using Netflix, Google Drive, and One Drive. As we all know, a couple of tech giants have monopolized many of the daily services we use. They collect our data in massive quantities, creating many privacy concerns, furthermore they suppress innovation within the field. Hosting your services makes sure that you minimize the amount of data you put on the internet.

Furthermore, many SMEs use several services for which they pay massive licensing and hosting fees each year. If these new tools help SME’s set up their own servers, they are less dependent on third-party prices and can save costs.

All in all, I believe that the support LLMs provide to be able to set up your own services democratizes the internet and reduces the power of the tech monopolies, this should be celebrated by anyone who supports free markets.


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How Marktplaats has helped Dutch society to a more sustainable and equitable future. 




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The way we purchase goods is forever altered by the explosion of digital platforms. Whether it is Marktplaats, E-bay, Amazon or Airbnb, the new models of connecting buyers and sellers is truly revolutionary. In this blogpost, we will explore the impact of one such platform called Marktplaats. If you’re not familiar with Marktplaats, in essence it is a platform where people can sell and purchase primarily second hand items through an auctioning system.

One of the biggest impacts, Marktplaats has had on our society is the promotion of sustainability through a circular economy. Whether it is furniture, toys, or even cars, the accessibility to purchase and sell has never been lower. By making the process of selling your obsolete items easier, it has encouraged people to not throw away their old stuff. On the side of the buyer, it has made sure that finding what you need and placing a bid on the item is very easy. Furthermore, the site also facilitates communication between a buyer and seller, reducing any possible frictions that may arise with other methods. If you have a question about the product, you can simply ask about it within the application.
The seller of an item also has the freedom of choosing the kind of online market Marktplaats utilizes, you may set a fixed price, an auction, or use direct contact to negotiate a price. This has the benefit of maximising the seller’s surplus, further promoting selling instead of throwing away. 

All of these features combine into a ubiquitous use of the application within the Netherlands, increasing sustainability one product at a time.

Besides individuals that make use of Marktplaats small businesses also have their place within the platform. By increasing the ease of access to selling and advertising, it removes the need for a physical store for many small businesses. This allows for people to easily sell items of their side projects, whether it is art woodworking or pottery, there is no need to set up your own website or have a store.

Unfortunately, there is one major drawback of the platform, and that is the amount of information asymmetry that occurs when making a purchase. Whether it is used cars, electronics or any kind of machine, while you may be able to test what you’re about to purchase, the items may have defects that do not show until later that the seller doesn’t disclose. Marktplaats does try to combat this kind of behaviour by implementing reviews for both buyers and sellers and having payment insurance when items are sent via the post office. Of course these solutions does not entirely solve the problem, yet they are a step in the right direction.

Overall, Marktplaats is a major contributor to reducing consumerism and improving sustainability within the Netherlands while also promoting small business growth.


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