Is the Metaverse just a grown-up version of The Sims?




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The Metaverse is a famous topic nowadays, it’s a virtual space where people can live, work, play, and interact with others. After the videos we had to watch for the lecture I realized it reminded me of the game The Sims.  If you ever played The Sims, the Metaverse might remind you of that game, it’s a game where you control characters, build homes, go to work, and socialize. The Metaverse offers a similar experience but on a larger scale. Is the Metaverse just The Sims for adults or is it something more?

How the Metaverse is similar to The Sims

In The Sims, there are virtual characters that you control and guide through their daily life. You make them work,  buy clothes, meet people and even build their homes. The Metaverse is similar, you create an avatar, which is like your character in The Sims. However in the Metaverse, that avatar is you.

You can walk around virtual worlds, attend events, talk to other people and even shop for digital clothes. Both The Sims and the Metaverse are about living a life in a virtual world. The difference between the two is that the Metaverse aims to be a huge, infinite virtual world that makes a connection with real life, while The Sims is just a game.

How the Metaverse is more than just a game

The Metaverse is not just for fun, it is already being used in many serious ways: 

  • Virtual workspaces
    • In The Sims, your character might have a job or run a business (Pittman, 2023). In the Metaverse, companies like Meta and Microsoft are creating virtual offices, where people can meet as avatars in a virtual room instead of video calls, making remote work feel more interactive (Moates, 2024). 
  • Digital shopping
    • Just like you can buy clothes and furniture for your The Sims character, this is also possible in the Metaverse, brands like Gucci and Nike are selling virtual clothes for avatars in the Metaverse. Some people are even buying virtual land, which is becoming valuable. For the brands, it gives them the space to try new and bold designs without the actual traditional manufacturing process. It opens infinite possibilities for self-expression and creativity (Haqshanas, 2024). 
  • Entertainment
    • In The Sims it is possible to join different activities and social interactions. The Metaverse takes this a step further with virtual events like concerts. For example, Travis Scott performed a virtual concert on Fortnite in 2020, at least 12 million people attended this virtual concert, all together in the same virtual world. Other artists announced they are planning to do the same (White, 2021).

The Metaverse might look like an adult version of The Sims, but it has more potential than just a game. It can change the way we work, shop and socialize. While this can be exiting and fun, there are still questions about security and privacy regarding the Metaverse.

What do you think about the Metaverse? Do you see it as an addition of games like The Sims or will it be a big part of our daily lives? Share your thoughts!


Moates, C. (2024, June 25). Virtual offices: Are they the future? Retrieved September 17, 2024, from Landvault:

Pittman, T. (2023, August 22). The Sims 4: How to Go to Work. Retrieved September 17, 2024, from Gamerant:

Haqshanas, R. (2024, June 11). From Gucci to Nike: How Top Brands are Redefining Fashion in the Metaverse. Retrieved September 17, 2024, from Cryptonews:

White, M. J. (2021, November 23). What is the metaverse? A deep dive into the ‘future of the internet’. Retrieved September 17, 2024, from Digital Trends:

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