(not)Anonymous Facebook




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Recent events and one of the posts here have concentrated Facebook’s struggles in dealing with identity issues on the network. After weeks of protest, Facebook said last week that it would allow members of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities to use names which they use to identify themselves on social network.

However Facebook will introduce a mobile app which will allow you to post anonymously. You will be allowed to interact, discuss and post under pseudonym.

By doing this Facebook is trying to keep up with its competitors which have already introduced this feature. New social network which is all based on this feature is Ello. Facebook has recently tested a feature which allowed to show your post for limited time frame and it was their attempt to copy Snapchat feature.

Second attempt which Facebook is trying to cover is kind of “Back to the roots of internet” when anonymous online conversations and anonymous identity has been a norm on the internet.

The details of this app are not clear yet since Facebook has not introduced this app neither to a test group of users as they usually do. As well it is very unclear how Facebook is planning to deal with spam and abuse of this application.

Do you think users of Facebook should be allowed to post anonymously or you prefer the more strict rules about identity? Would you use this feature? Let me know 🙂 


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Entertainment @theair




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Nearly every single one of us carries a wireless device with them onto the airplane. Since most of the airlines started introducing Wifi on board and during the flight – the next step is to stream the inflight entertainment via wifi and drop the expensive and not really high quality seat screens.Delta , United, and Southwest introduced the new plan called “Bring your own device”.

 Did you know that every screen per seat weights 5kg which on a 250 seats plane adds up to 1,250 kg. By dropping them from the aircraft might add up 80,000 kg of fuel being saved per year per aircraft.

This could not only effect positively the environment but probably cost of our plane tickets as well.

Apart from those effects it could have effect on possible future ventures with electronics companies because currently the installation cost per screen can reach up to 10,000 dollars. With this kind of cost there is incentive not only to deliver best technology, but the switching cost to deliver new technology is way lower then the current cost of the entertainment screens.

The view of every airline is different so we can expect certain strategy game to evolve.

But lets get to the social media point of view. According to report by Osurv, a mobile survey firm, found that 87 percent of travelers consider the bring your device pitch a cost-saving effort by airlines—and yet many still prefer using their own gadgets to jabbing a seat-back screen. “Superficially, BYOD is a cost-cutting initiative,” says Jad Meouchy, Osurv’s founder and chief executive. “However, the long-term vision is Netflix in the sky.”

This new business opportunity gives space to new companies coming up with ideas how to refresh the airplane entertainment. Maybe its going to be Facebook who will take over this new big venture. The wifi on board is very big opportunity for social media to gain there power in this industry. Competitions, posts, engagement of customer, entertaining the customer, engaging the customer into the service improvement – who knows, maybe one day we will check in through our social networks.

Would you welcome this change on planes or would you rather stay with the old screen aircraft entertainment? Do you see any dangers in introducing bring your own device, wifi onboard and social media?




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Digital Marketing and Advertising




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We could say digital marketing is a novice in the advertising world, because digital marketing is growing in the field since year 2012.

From the articles we can see that digital marketing brings many positives as increase the brand awareness, brand engagement and word of mouth, if it is done well, carefully and the company has the control over the campaign and sharply keep up with the latest trends of internet and social media

While doing my research article The Top 7 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014 got my attention because I agree that those are trends of 2014:

  1. Content Marketing Will be Bigger Than Ever
  2. Social Media Marketing Will Require More Diversity
  3. Image-Centric Content Will Rule – example Instagram reaching a spot in top 5.     Social media platforms
  4. Less Will be More – simplicity reached by Pinterest
  5. Mobile-Friendly Content Will Be Necessary
  6. Ad Retargeting Will Grow in Effectiveness
  7. SEO and Social Signals Will Become Even More Intertwined

Search engine optimization and social sharing leads us to Danone introducing a first world wide campaign for Activia. Activia invited Shakira into the campaign and the plot was easy – Activia sponsored, Shakira made a music video for World Championship in Brazil and together they support World Food Programme and its School Meals initiative. In July a message spread through marketing news that Activia beats Volkswagen for most shared ad of all time. Activia has reached in August 2014 5,409,192 views (340,064,032 views in September 2014) on Youtube. However the “advertisement” which claims to reach the views is a Shakira (Brazil 2014) – La La La music video which says Shakira and Activia at the beginning of the video. If you type into search Activia advertisement a video with “only” 989,705 views shows.

According to first-half a year revenue predictions Danone has decreasing revenue and the awareness of the brand did not change. This could have been caused by contamination affair of Danone products in Asia, which happened at the end of 2013. Maybe Danone should have given up their world campaign and concentrate on the Asian market to gain peoples trust and fix company reputation.

Second case links to the Think apps not ads article and it is Jay-Z partnering with Samsung to create an application though which Samsung Galaxy owners could listen for free to Jay-Z new album. 1 million people downloaded this application within first 3 days however the application didn’t work due to the traffic of the users. The album release was completely overshined by the negative feedback.

I have chose two negative examples on purpose, because it shows us the opposite side of marketing. Even if companies such are those two have the facility to come up with the best campaigns and invite big sounding name, it does not always bring a success. Seeing those two cases we can see that those companies still little bit strive the understanding of how to use certain channels to reach the desired outcomes such as brand awareness.

Do you agree with those trends predictions for 2014? What do you think about the Activia campaign – is it clear from the video that you should connect it with Activia?





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That’s not my name!




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Probably most of you have been to Starbucks and some of you have been not pleasantly surprised when you received your coffee cup with misspelled name.

Currently trending video on Youtube by comedian Paul Gale “Why Starbucks spells your name wrong” received in 3 days 4 800 000 views. You will see yourself when you watch the video that the point why Starbucks misspells your name is because they want you to talk about it and share it on social media and then again if they finally write it correct they want you to do the same.

After some research it is not clear to me whether the comedian does it from his own incentive or if there is Starbucks hidden behind this. I found questionable that Paul Gale was allowed to use Starbucks logo through the video. However if we leave this behind, we can assume that a simple video even about negative stuff works on sales and gets peoples interest. There are already videos where for example the whole office goes to 5 different Starbucks to see how many times they spell they name correctly.

In the past Starbucks did a promotion with Twitter called Tweet a cup of coffee to your friend. During this campaign the biggest feedback it had was misspelled names. Up to 15% of participants of Tweet a cup of coffee were complaining about the mistakes in their Twitter names.

This issue is all around the social media channels – blogs on Tumblr, hashtags and groups on Facebook called ‘StarbucksSpelling or ‘That’s not my name, Starbucks’. If you find #starbucksfail it contains same number of posts as #starbuckslover on Instagram.

From my personal experience I have worked at Starbucks and after writing a lot of names out of which some of them must have been incorrect I asked myself if you think about how many different names there are and different ways of spelling the names plus the noise which you work at and not to forget different people pronouncing them differently there is of course a lot of space for error. I personally would welcome if Starbucks would drop this rule for its own good and switch to numbers or different more efficient system because I call myself Anna at such situations.

What do you think about the video – do you think it is only a joke or marketing trick? And do you find it nice and personal when you have your name on the cup or does it bother you when you are asked for your name? Let me know!




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