We only offer autonomous cars




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Only three years ago, it seemed not realistic that driverless cars could practically be used within one decade. Autonomous cars are very handy: you won’t get any speed tickets, because the system shall abide by the rules and regulations. You can watch your favorite series/movies. Next to that, it looks awesome! The autonomous part about cars is not that innovative anymore. AI has made humans much more aware about the ability that robots will take over the future, in due time. In the meantime, let’s have a blast. We see much more automobile companies introducing cars that will gradually become totally independent of humans.

Yesterday, Tesla presented a video that showed how their Model X car autonomously navigate through an urban area. The car was able to leave the garage and bring the owner to his work. This ride included traffic, highway lanes and traffic regulations. The car had even recognized the disabled parking spot and parked the car somewhere else. A cool feature is the Summon button. Once pressed, the car will pick you up no matter where you are. In the future all the Tesla cars will have a built-in self-drive function

We saw the developments regarding autonomous vehicles as a fun and spectacular thing, but it is so much more. In the (near) future it will not be seen as an accessory but as a part of mobility. While incorporating this into society, we should also look at the implications this has. The first thing that popped up in my mind when thinking about an autonomous vehicles was safety. How can they ensure that no accidents occur? Well, they can’t yet. However, this is also not possible with regular vehicles and they are still looking for solutions to diminish this.

The automobile industry is evolving and this has been a disruptive technology for the sector. Rules and regulations are being looked at and some are changed worldwide. Robots make a better world than we do. In the end, they will also create a world without having the possibility to drink and drive.








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Instagram causes, but also recognizes your depression




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Next to sliding in the DM (hooking up through the platform), it is scientifically proven that Instagram can recognize if you’re suffering from a depression. This is based on the filter you add to the picture you upload.

According to researchers from Harvard and The University of Vermont (NU.nl, 2016), certain filters are valid and reliable points of measurement in diagnosing a depression. Perhaps you’re reading this and do not know what Instagram entails. Well, basically it is a mobile and web application that allows network users to post pictures with standardized filters on the platform.

The research made use of 43.950 pictures and 166 people. They developed an algorithm that analyses pictures of depressed people before their diagnosis and people who were not depressed at all. In 70% of all cases, a depression was diagnosed before a clinical diagnosis was made (Slate, 2016). As you would expect, the research tells us that dark shades such as blue and grey have the preference among the depressed participants. In terms of filters, these are Inkwell and Crema.

Focusing on a group of active network users on this platform, we turn to the ‘2016 teenager’. This group is the first generation of teenagers that experiences social media in its full effect. Teenagers use social media to stay in touch with friends and family through multiple mediated platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Keeping in contact is not always beneficial however. A new study executed by the University of Glasgow (The Guardian, 2016) found that teenagers at a high school feel a certain pressure to reply in time. It could be damaging their sleep and increase the risk of anxiety and depression.

This is interesting and further research has to tell what implications this could have for other target audiences, such as adolescents. That brings to mind, can other social media platforms be used in order to diagnose other mental illnesses or syndromes?


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