How to ensure ChatGPT is used by students just as an extra, like calculators?




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Today, there is hardly anyone left at the  Erasmus University who has never used ChatGPT, let alone never heard of this open ai bot. It’s safe to say that ChatGPT is the biggest ai bot at the moment and students love to use it. But what are the implications of students using this open ai bot?

Research shows that nearly 90% of students already use ChatGPT for homework assignments (Westfall, 2023). Given that the bot is extremely smart and provides answers in just minutes, it is not surprising that so many students use ChatGPT. But, using ChatGPT creates challenges around cheating, learning, and plagiarism (Westfall,2023). The fear is that students will stop thinking for themselves and let the chatbot do the work for them, without learning anything and not developing critical thinking. According to a recent survey, more than 50% of students consider using ChatGPT to complete assignments and exams as a way of cheating (Technology News Australia, 2023). These figures are worrying and call for action.

I, of course, have used ChatGPT when studying as well and my experiences with the tool are really positive. Sometimes I use ChatGPT as a supportive tool or to ask questions. In these situations, you can compare the usage of the chatbot to the (better) search function of Google. Also, I sometimes use the tool to rewrite some phrases more professionally as English isn´t my native language and my vocabulary is not too big. But, for this assignment I let ChatGPT write my blog about the same subject. This is a part of the blog written bij ChatGPT: 

In less than a minute, the bot provided a blog for me about the topic I asked for. Maybe it is not perfect, but with some small changes, I could upload this as my own written blog. If I did so,  I wouldn´t learn anything. This should not be the case of course. 

But what can we do to avoid this kind of usage? Blocking ChatGPT on school networks would be possible, but students have their own laptops, phones etc. which makes blocking the tool useless (Roose, 2023). Besides, tools that claim to be able to detect the usage of AI-writing tools are not reliable (Roose,2023). But, apart from the fact that it is not possible to block or detect the usage of AI. We need to ask ourselves the question if we want to ban ChatGPT for students and why? Of course, we must at all times avoid ChatGPT taking over students’ work with students being less educated as a result. But instead of avoiding the usage of ChatGPT, I think that we should look at the possibilities of using the ai bot as an extra teaching tool, which won´t replace the student´s work but will be used as an extra. Open AI tools will become better and better and will not disappear (Roose,2023). Maybe it will be used in business as well and maybe students do have to learn how to handle ChatGPT. In my eyes, the way I use ChatGPT in my student life adds something without missing my learning objectives. I do think that students should be able to use ChatGPT in the way we use calculators in math, as an extra tool. 

It is clear that ChatGPT can add something for students but, we have to do something about the way students can use ChatGPT. But what? How can we ensure that students use but not abuse ChatGPT? And who should regulate this? Universities, governments or even other instances? 


  • Roose, K. (2023). Don´t ban ChatGPT in schools. Teach with it. The New York Times.

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Will generative AI tools take over human jobs?




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Marketing is an integral part of today’s business world. Daily, millions of people are trying to find the best way to sell and promote their or their company’s products and services. Marketing is, as in almost every profession traditionally done by humans. 

But with the introduction of Jasper AI, this could be (partly) changed. Jasper AI is a generative AI tool that can generate high-quality marketing copy with some simple inputs. You can choose between 50 different templates, including SEO copy, blogs, Instagram ads, and much more. According to (n.d.), the bot is more efficient and more effective than humans. This sounds promising to me and made me curious. I decided to test the bot myself to find out whether the claims from Jasper AI are right. 

For the interested ones, the bot works as follows: 

I tried to let the bot generate a blog for me. After some simple inputs, Jasper generated a text for me in just minutes. So there is no discussion about efficiency, the bot is indeed way faster than a human is. The quality of the generated text surprised me. It was just indistinguishable from a human-produced text. Also, I was able to decide what tone of voice the text should be and could even specify my own brand voice. After testing, I could see the benefit of Jasper AI. After checking the price, which starts at $39 per month I asked myself why you should not make use of Jasper AI as a marketer. 

Therefore, I did some more desktop research to see the negative parts. The main disadvantages stated on the Internet are that the content can be inaccurate, the bot doesn´t perform well on niche topics, and with the input and checks in the end you still need a lot of human work (Chaudhary, 2023). 

Of Course, I do see that at the moment Jasper AI cannot fully replace all employees who work as marketing copywriters. And for sure, I also won’t fully trust a bot and want to check the generated text myself. But, I do see the potential of the bot. At the moment it can already help by generating first drafts. Although, the technology will continue to evolve in the coming years and is far from being mature. The expectation is that in the future 

At the moment the bot works faster and is cheaper than a human is. Indeed, the expectation is that the next generation of generative AI tools will constantly outperform humans (Brezinski et al., 2023). 

Thus, at the moment Jasper AI is already cheaper and works faster than humans can do. If the expectation becomes reality, the bot will also always outperform humans. Then what will be the reason for a company to hire a human to write marketing copy if you can make use of Jasper? Will the marketing copy profession even exist for over 20 years? I do expect that people still want to have control and prefer to rely on a human. But, I do also expect that these kinds of tools will make a huge impact and that humans will (partly) be replaced.  


  • Brezinski, H., & Jurek, W. (2023). Introduction to the thematic issue on digitalisation, big data, and artificial intelligence. Economics and Business Review, 9(2) 3-7.
  • Chaudhary, S. (2023). Pros and Cons of Jasper AI for content writing. WriterArmy.,reasoning%20than%20Jasper%20can%20perform.
  • Jasper | AI Copilot for Enterprise Marketing Teams. (n.d.).

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