Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing




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For this week I did my homework assignment about crowdfunding and crowdsourcing.

I found two examples of crowfunding projects, which seems very interesting. The first one that I found is the so called ‘Windcentrale’. This project has raised seven million euros. 5500 households could buy a piece of a windmill, which provided them free power for the rest of 16 years. Households needed to invest a minimum of 350 euros.

The second example I found was about a movie. In 1993, the moviemaker George Sluizer started to make the movie Dark Blood. But, one of the main players died during the making of it. So, the recordings needed to stop. The insurance company said that the movie was total loss but, paid the money and became the owner of the materials. For a long time nobody wanted to have the movie, so they decided to burn the rushes. Sluizer heard of it and immediately sent someone to Hollywood to steal the materials. Because Sluizer got sick and didn’t had a long time to live, he decided to finish the movie. He raised  17.513 euros and the movie was showed on the city theatre in Utrecht.

In my homework assignment I also addressed reasons why funders want to give their money to a project.

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Twitter launches television function




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US television users can now switch from Twitter to a television program. A special button within the tweet switches the user automatically over to the television program on the tv, tablet or telephone.

Television broadcasters can promote certain programs true the medium of Twitter. Users can see the program directly with the so called ‘See-It button’. They can also record it.

Currently Twitter earns a lot of money in collaboration with television companies, but it’s only 10% of the total income.The social media medium, that want to go on the stock market soon, wants to offer more services to television companies. In this way they want to expand their income.

Besides the possibilities to switch to a television program, Twitter also wants to offer cinema tickets true their medium in the future. For this future plans the company is now cooperating with the American ticketservice Fandango.

Personally I think that this is a really innovating idea. But I doubt if people will actually use it. It’s an easy and super fast way to switch from Twitter to a television program but I’m not sure if it is useful. Most of the people nowadays know exactly at what time ‘their program’ is on, so I think there is no need for this ‘switching thing’. Besides that, almost every provider offers a recording option on the tv, so people can record whenever they want to.

 What do you think? 



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Changi Airport (Singapore) and online shopping




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On the Changi airport, Singapore, they have something new and interesting. The airport shops have decided to find a new way of shopping for their customers. They launched an online shopping portal! This enables the travellers to order before they go to the airport. After they arrived and have checked in, they can pick up their tax free articles and go straight to their plain.

I think that this can be something that many airport shops can do. But I’m not sure if it will work for al kind of travellers. Personally I think this can only work for business travellers, because they don’t spend a long time on the airport before they leave. They will just go there, check in and take their flight. Shopping online, before they go to the airport can be time saving for them.

But on the other hand I don’t think it will work for other kind of travellers. If the travellers are tourists, they often like to shop on an airport. (well, I do!) I think that tourists often like to walk around an airport and so shop a little.

What do you think?



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What would you left when you die?




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Lately I was watching the Dutch program ‘Editie Nl’ in which they introduced a new application that can be used in combination with Facebook. With this app ‘Fast Will’, you can split up your belongings to your friends and family on Facebook for whenever you die. The item that you want to give to your friend of family member can only be seen by them. (Facebook will place it on the wall of this person)

I personally think it’s a bit shady.. I think death is not something that has to do with Facebook or anything that can be placed on the world wide web. The men who developed the app say it’s not shady at all. They want to make death into a subject that makes people talk with eachother. They think it’s beautiful to know if you get an boat or a bike of a friend if this friend will pass away. Off course, this app makes death more open to discussion, but I doubt if this is the new way of making up a testament.

In  the future the makers want to make it more professional, as it is not legal yet to make up your testament like this. (You still need to write it on paper, including a date and singature).

I was wondering if it is really possible to use this app in the future. Do you guys think that this can be the future? Or do you think that these ‘serious subjects’ do not have to be showed on Facebook?

This link shows the promotionvideo about the app:


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