Bridging gap between analysts and coders through GenAI




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Before joining my MBA program, I worked with Deloitte India as an analyst. The task by definition was simple, to make optimisation models using CPLEX to forecast energy demand needs in various parts of the country. However, the task didn’t seem so simple to a chemical engineer who had barely been exposed to coding in his lifetime.

Previously, I had never ventured into coding beyond arrays during school. So, building complex optimisation models was in itself a humongous task. Along with that, add the deadlines of a consulting firm with projects flowing in left and right, I had barely any time to ramp up. That is time I truly explored the potential of ChatGPT when it comes to coding.

I saw the difference it could create first handedly. During my two years at Deloitte, right about the end of year 1 is when ChatGPT’s fame suddenly shot up and everyone started using it for every single thing. Some had already started using it as the next Google. I, on the other hand was trying to make use of it as an effective Stack Overflow.

The resources and models I was working with were not frequently used, especially not in the power systems context, so getting any meaningful help from Google meant hours and hours of research at times. How ChatGPT helped me was to provide me answers to the smaller queries which helped me refine my research in a more meaningful way. It also provided me with code snippets which I could then appropriately adjust for my own code. It singlehandedly reduced the time I spent on Googling stuff.

That’s when I realised that ChatGPT or any other AI tool is not here to replace the existing tech completely but to enhance the way we do regular tasks and remove the redundancies.

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GenAI and the shifting landscape of freelancing




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The rise of GenAI has sparked a growing concern: could it signal the end of freelancing? As AI tools become more advanced, they are starting to replace tasks that were once the domain of freelancers—writing, graphic design, coding, and more. For many freelancers, this raises an unsettling question: where do they fit in an increasingly AI-driven world?

Generative AI can now create high-quality content in seconds. Platforms like ChatGPT can write blogs, social media posts, and even business reports, while tools like DALL·E generate unique artwork at the click of a button. It can also provide codes to automate simpler tasks like data entry which were previously outsourced to freelancers at cheap rates. The ability of AI to produce near-instant results has led some companies to question why they should hire freelancers when they can rely on AI tools to do the job faster and, potentially, cheaper.

However, while it may seem like GenAI is encroaching on the freelancing space, the reality is more nuanced. Freelancers bring something AI cannot replicate: human creativity and empathy. AI, for all its power, still lacks the ability to truly understand context, tone, or emotion in the way a human can. A writer can craft a story with a unique voice, tailored to an audience’s culture and needs, while an illustrator can imbue a piece with personal experience and depth that AI-generated images lack.

Moreover, rather than eliminating freelance work, GenAI could change the nature of freelancing. Freelancers who embrace AI can supercharge their productivity. By using AI as a tool to automate repetitive or tedious tasks—such as drafting an initial article outline or generating design mockups—they can focus more on the creative aspects of their work. In fact, AI can become a collaborator rather than a competitor, helping freelancers take on more clients and meet tight deadlines.

That said, it’s undeniable that the freelance landscape is shifting. Some lower-skill tasks, like basic content creation or simple designs, may be taken over by AI. But the demand for human expertise, creativity, and strategic thinking will remain strong. As the freelance world evolves, those who adapt by integrating GenAI into their workflow will thrive in this new era.

Image generated using Bing’s Copilot.

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