Utilizing different generative AI’s for gaming.




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Briefly, the plot of the TV series “Westworld” is revolving around a big simulation video game. The hosts/characters in Westworld are created using AI and are designed to look and behave like humans. These characters are programmed to follow storylines and narratives within the map, but as they begin to learn more, their behavior becomes more unpredictable (in a destructive manner).

This TV show got me wondering: How far away are we from almost-instantaneously generated video games? And as my imagination was working, the answer was sooner and sooner. On a very broad scale the generative AI would only need to utilize several different aspects: Programming, story-telling, and video creation. We currently have a lot of story-telling AI’s, that can generate amazing and accurate stories given some prompts, and they are only going to get better and better. Video creation and code generation is still catching up, but also rapidly improving. So, on an individual level, but more precisely, in my imagination at the moment, it seemed very prosperous. However, combining these three together and relying on the AI to interpret itself and write code for the gameplay is abnormally difficult. Then it became obvious how far away this scenario actually is, but it still did not seem impossible to happen.

If anything, a lot things can be learned from the Westworld show. Most notably, the characters/hosts are physically created as robots and the map is a physical place. Hence, it is a kind of blend of VR and AR. Today however, this scenario is much more possible as it could be utilized in a completely VR setting.

In essence, generative AI can follow a similar path in which traditional media did. First came books and plays (theatre), then the radio, them the television (first no colour, then in colour), and then interactive games in 2D and then in 3D. With AI, it is currently very much developing its storytelling, and if other aspects will soon follow as well, the sky could be the limit. What do you think? Is this scenario possible? Or, are the expectations even too low?

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AI in Literature




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Literature has always been an interest of mine. I adore reading, especially books that deal with the human condition. Books such as The Brothers Karamazov, Master and Margharita, Steppenwolf, The Bridge on the Drina… All of these books represent a deep analysis of humans, and the authors are giving their perspective. Their prior experiences were not controlled inputs, their speech was not controlled to not offend anyone. Dark topics such as death, depression, drugs, etc. were discussed. Behind the words, there was emotion and wisdom.

Now, one good thing about generative AI is that it can create stories. You give it a topic and a style or writer and it will generate narrative. So, for you as a reader it can be fun to experiment with. I experimented a lot and I have several comments. Firstly, the writing styles are very peculiar. The writing is very similar to the authors, but at the same time there is a something very similar in all of them. Maybe its just my bias because I know AI generated it, but it seemed like it was all from the same person trying to impersonate different authors. Secondly, the content seems a bit off. It starts off all well, but at a certain point, where the author would have provided some originality or some interesting ideas, the AI seems to shy away/ The writing style appears to be inclusive of everyone and everything. This is okay, but if I ask for Dostoevsky, I am not expecting a multicultural environment, complete understanding and inclusivity, as he was living in 19th century Russia.

            I was very excited at this idea of being able to generate more and more content from my favourite writers. My question is do you think that AI will replace real writers? At the moment I don’t see it as possible, but I am also thinking about ways of how should it improve. I have none haha.

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