Space garbage, how to take out the trash orbiting earth?




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“Space junk isn’t just dangerous to astronauts, it could trigger a WORLD WAR: Collisions between satellites and debris ‘risk sparking conflicts between nations'” – Dailymail, 2017

Over 60 years of space travel the amount of ‘space junk’ in orbit has increased significantly, to the point where it is now even becoming dangerous. Experts suggest that we should this take this problem very seriously, as if it continues on like this, according to the Kessler syndrome scenario, the atmosphere around earth might be so clogged with space debris that no vehicle could leave earth any longer.  The problem is that there is so much junk flying around at such a high speed, which is left over by space missions, satellites, or other space items, that space missions now already have to pay close attention to their flight route, to make sure not to hit too many debris and damage their spaceship or satellite.

Satellite data and space exploration is extremely important to the future of technology and science, and if we want to avoid many collisions in the future, space debris have to be cleaned up in some way. New international space guidelines are already in place that state any new satellites going into orbit should automatically leave earth’s orbit after 25 years, so new technology might not leave as much debris as older technologies. Another way that has been proposed is the ‘laser broom’, which is a giant laser beam shot from earth to sweep space debris between 1 and 10 cm. NASA has proposed this idea in the late 90s, but so far nothing has come to fruition of it.

In conclusion, space debris are a very serious problem that almost no one knows about, but could become increasingly harmful in the future. My hope is that with new guidelines most future space debris will leave earth’s orbit, and hopefully technologies such as the laser broom or new innovations might be able to help clean up what previous generations have left behind in space.

What do you think? Did you ever hear of space debris being a problem before? Do you think researchers are right when they say it poses a great threat, or do you think they are overreacting? I would love to hear your opinion!

On this website you can play around in 3D and see the amount of space debris visualized with a 3D map of Earth and space.

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Elon Musk’s Open Source A.I. Easily Beats Professional Gamers at Largest eSports Tournament of the World




4.67/5 (3)

During August 7-12, one of the largest tournaments in online gaming was held. The International 2017 was the seventh edition of an eSports championship for the popular online game Dota 2. Top players from all around the world competed for their share of the 24 million dollar prize pool. The tournament was attended by 20.000 fans and watched by hundreds of thousands online via The game is usually played in two teams of 5 players, and the winning team took home $10,862,683.

This year, at The International 2017, OpenAI* showed off their confidence in their machine-learning artificial intelligence software by creating a bot designed to play the game Dota 2 in a one versus one format. They gave the bot some very basic understanding of the game, receiving some feedback on what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in the game, after which the bot was released to practice and self-teach the game. Interestingly, the programmers didn’t have to give a lot of rules to the bot, because it can keep improving itself as it plays and practices against itself. Within a month, the bot went from laughably bad to achieving a superhuman skill level.

OpenAI then showcased the bot by letting it play against the top professional players, players who have put in more than 10,000 hours of practice in this particular game and play this game for a living. Not surprisingly, the bot won 26 matches against top players and even a world champion and lost only 2 times. The players admitted in an interview that the bot did things they never even thought of, but which they now also will incorporate in their own game since the strategies work so well. In this way, the bot became better than any human player, so pros now actually want to use the bot as a training partner to take their gaming skills to the next level.

It is very interesting to see how fast artificial intelligence can surpass human skill levels in certain settings with only minimal inputs. To see that after a few weeks, the bot reached a skill level which left the professional players in awe is really amazing. OpenAI hopes to keep improving the bot so they can eventually create a team of 5 bots which could play against pros or against each other. Of course, one could say that this is only a game, but I think that the OpenAI team did something very cool here, as they reached millions of people with this project, who might also get interested in AI and some of them might even discover applications for which AI and machine learning could be useful in our personal lives. There seems to be a great amount of possibilities within this field and I am excited to see the developments within AI over the next few years. As OpenAI say it:

“This is a step towards building AI systems which accomplish well-defined goals in messy, complicated situations involving real humans.”

*OpenAI ( is a non-profit research start-up co-created by Elon Musk which has the goal of furthering the path to safe artificial intelligence. By developing and promoting safe artificial intelligence, they hope to benefit humanity as a whole. All of its patents and research are available to the public. If you are interested (and have some programming knowledge) you can even download free software from OpenAI’s website and create your own learning algorithm for any application you might think of.

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