The seller to buyer business already disappeared a while ago. Nowadays, we live in a platform economy, where a platform mediates between the buyers and sellers. We expect more from all products and technologies we are using and due to the network effect; platforms come closer to meeting our constantly changing and more demanding requirements for satisfaction.
Even though Apple is a widely used example with iOS as an operating system in general, the Apple Store and the famous iPod including iTunes, I am going to use Apple again as an example case.
The network effect shows that platforms generate more value for each new user but also for each new service. Therefore, I am wondering if Apple will generate new value with implementing the Homekit, a platform on itself.
Platforms will also cause that non-technology firms will profit from the technology platforms whose are there, since it allows them to innovate as well. This leads to an ecosystem, where value creation is two sided and continuous.
The Apple Homekit allows you to regulate accessories within your home. There were already companies who are doing this for their specific product, however with their new platform, Apple allows users to not only control Apple specific products such as the Apple TV but also other products and brands.
However, at this moment, not many home accessories are linked to the platform yet. At this moment, Apple is still recruiting for app developers and accessory developers to be on the supply side of their platform.
As mentioned before, Apple is not the only provider who takes the house as some kind of platform. Also for example Google that overtook Nest already quite a while ago is working on this.
I am wondering how long it will take before all lights, tv’s, radio’s and all these offline technologies are trying to connect to such a platform. Will this turn out to a winner takes it all market. Or are consumers in the end willing to buy accessories suitable for their homekits?