AI in education




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“Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines that can think like humans” (Pattam, 2022). AI processes enormous amounts of data, humans aren’t capable of analyzing this amount of data. However, AI tools analyze this data to make decisions and judge like humans (Pattam, 2022). Despite all the positive effects AI could have on education, in this essay the primary focus is on the negative sides of AI in education.  

Various concerns regarding AI in educations have been expressed by multiple parties involved with education. The first concern would be that students are less capable of critical thinking (Musau, 2023). ChatGPT could write an essay within a few seconds, some adjustments and students have ‘wrote’ an essay (Jumphost. 2023). Of course, students will check the ChatGPT output before submitting. However, the basis is generated by ChatGPT. It is very hard to change your mind about the input when it is already there. Students aren’t struggling anymore to write down their ideas of an essay. If a sentence is not well structured, ChatGPT will help rewrite. How to write a good conclusion, ChatGPT can help. All things students would be normally be struggling with, discovering their writing style, ChatGPT takes all this creativity and struggle away. 

Loss of creativity (Musau, 2023) is another concern. How hard will students think when the output is already there. Come up with new innovations, business ideas or a company’s strategy, by asking ChatGPT for ideas, creativity get lost. Despite the fact that students only will use ChatGPT as an inspiration, it is unlikely that the final idea is not in one of the suggestions ChatGPT gave. But what if students would struggle to find an idea themselves, wouldn’t this create more unique ideas? 

It could be harder to develop social skills (Musau, 2023). Less face-to-face contact, in which topics can be discussed in detail. The discussion will most likely be online. Also, if there is a discussion students will just “ask ChatGPT”. Developing those soft skills can become harder by doing everything online. 

Of course, every one of you reading this essay will use ChatGPT almost every day. I still would recommend you all to think first before asking everything to ChatGPT. Let’s be unique and not became small waking versions of ChatGPT. 


Jumphost. (2023, May 15). ChatGPT can hinder students’ critical thinking skills – The Queen’s Journal. The Queen’s Journal.

Musau, E. (2023, April 26). AI and Education: Will AI Make our Kids Dumber? A Critical Overview of AI and Its Potential Impact on Future Generation. www.linkedin.com

Pattam, A. (2022, September 27). Artificial Intelligence, defined in simple terms. HCLTech,decisions%2C%20and%20judge%20like%20humans

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3D printed organs




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One of my roommates has undergone a kidney transplant last November. Due to this major surgery she has been asked to visit ‘De Doelen’ last week. Three healthcare projects performed by Erasmus MC and TU Delft have been presented. Her story inspired me to find out more about how technological innovations can change the healthcare sector. 

In general, the healthcare is improving. Donating an organ is being less of a risk for the donor, compared to years ago. Machine perfusion is a new technique which is capable of transforming unsuitable organs, into organs suitable for donation. Due to this innovation doctors have a better understand of organs. Donor organs made by 3D printers is the next step in improving the healthcare sector with technology (Van Dantzig, 2023).

An example of donor organs made by 3D printers is Dr. Arturo Bonilla who implemented a 3D printed ear to a patient without one. To create this new ear the 3D printer used a small biopsy from the other ear. The 3D printer uses the cartilage cells from the biopsy to grow a new implant (Barber, 2023). 

The 3D bioprinter is capable of two very innovative features. Firstly, the printer can place different types of cells in exact locations to construct a complex tissue. Secondly, the printer can integrate blood vessels. Those are needed in order deliver the oxygen and nutrients, without the organ cannot live (Barber, 2023). 

Machine perfusion increases the use and knowledge of organs (Van Dantzig, 2023). The 3D bioprinter is capable of rebuilding a complex tissue and integrating blood vessels (Barber, 2023). These innovations combined could change the healthcare sector. Due to the innovations, time on the donor waiting list could be shorter. The change of organs which are rejected by the body could also be reduced. The organs are made from biopsy from the own body.


Barber, C. (2023, February 16). 3D-printed organs may soon be a reality. ‘Looking ahead, we’ll not need donor hearts.’ Fortune Well

Van Dantzig, E. (2023, September 19). Organen uit de 3D-printer? Hier hoor je de nieuwste wetenschappelijke feitjes – Indebuurt Rotterdam. Indebuurt Rotterdam. Https://

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