4.5/5 (8) 50k views and counting, how to get MASSIVE views!!!





Hello fellow BIM students,

Some of you might have noticed that certain posts are getting massive amounts of views.

all time high

The first thing that pops into your mind might be that these guys are actively sharing their content on social media. This is unlikely though because getting this many unique views on one post in one day (see images below) is really really hard to accomplish through that method.

13k views one day

13k views one day

The next possibility you might think about is that they are hiring a group of people through some view boosting website like the one below.


However, we are all students, meaning that we have low budgets and would rather spend our money on partying, Netflix/Spotify subscriptions and other more rewarding activities. So I don’t consider this option viable in our situation.

So how do the top posts get their crazy amount of views? Did they press F5 non-stop for a couple of weeks in order to reach the top?

f5 broken

There must be some sort of secret method to their success. In this post, I would like to share my easy method with you guys to help boost YOUR view count up to 5k, 10k or even 50k! Let’s go!

Step 1: Decide the post that you want to boost!

This is obviously a very basic step, in order to get views on a post, you need to have posted at least some content. In this example, I use a very basic article I wrote about IBM’s supercomputer Watson (check it out: http://bit.ly/2y71SxK).

IBM watson article 2


Step 2: Download the Opera browser and open the blog post in multiple tabs!

Viewbotting on 5 tabs

Step 3: This is where the magic comes in, download the Super Auto Refresh extension for Opera!

Super Auto Refresh extension Opera

Step 4: Start the Extension and make it run on all tabs at a speed of 30 seconds!

Super refresher extension Opera browser

Why do I give you guys the advice to run it on 5/6 tabs max at a speed of 30 seconds? Because I encountered many many errors on the first days using this method running it at faster speeds. These error messages, see below, cause not only me but every other user trying to access the website to experience problems.

Internal Server Error

Service Unavailable

So if you don’t want a group of angry students chasing you because they couldn’t upload their blog posts please take this advice.

IS blog troubles

Step 5: Get some spare laptops, plug them into their chargers and don’t touch them for a couple of days/weeks!

This will help you feel like a real hacker and boosts the feeling that you can join Anonymous because you know your computer stuff.

3 laptops setup


Step 6: Watch your article reach some magic milestones! You are finally reaching the top of the list!
1000 views mark

2000 views mark






Step 7: Sit back and relax, you did some really awesome hacking and can now enjoy your success for the rest of your life! You will always be remembered as that BIM student that knew how to reach the top!

all time high

As much as I enjoyed abusing the view count system behind https://digitalstrategy.rsm.nl// I would like to give some quick advice to the website admin. As soon as I realized that F5 views were counted as unique views although they came from the same IP-Address I started to look for ways to maximize my view count. I think that this in no way reflects the quality of my blog post and can actually destroy the intention of this web page. So to prevent things like this happening in the future please try to cap the number of views per IP-address or find some other way to achieve this.

Thanks for reading guys and enjoy your road to success!

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IBM Watson’s “supercomputer” , from research project to super consultant




4/5 (4)

Have you guys heard about IBM Watson? In 2011 IBM participated in the american television game show called Jeopardy!. Not by sending one of their employees but by sending their supercomputer IBM Watson. It won Jeopardy! against some of the show’s best players and since then IBM developed it into a full scale cloud-based platform that can be used for analysis, web services and developmental activities.

ibm watson jeopardy

IBM Watson competing in Jeopardy!

Throughout the years Watson has been used by many companies in different industries to boost revenues, improve efficiency and in some cases save lives. As mentioned before these uses are realized through cloud-based cognitive computing services that allow users to ask natural language questions and visualize data patterns.

Some interesting uses worth mentioning are:

  • Wimbledon
    The cooperation between Watson and Wimbledon’s AI-powered video software allows for the automated generation of video highlights. Watson pulls in information and based on factors such as crowd noise, social traction, facial recognition and sentiment analysis of players it will develop highlight packages. This is a good example of how traditional tasks performed by video editors are more efficiently executed by new technology.


  • American Cancer Society
    This partnership is focused on providing cancer patients with personalised information and advice based on their current needs. Patients are able to ask questions in natural language and receive audio responses based on data from Cancer.org and the National Cancer Information Centre. This allows for a large scale but personalized offering of health services.


  • Mears group, UK housing and social care provider
    This company maintains over 700.000 social homes and employs around 20.000 individuals. The Mears group partnered with IBM watson to faster analyze its 600 million health and safety/accident reports in their databases. Based on this analysis Watson suggested new revenue opportunities to the company.

Based on the information above it becomes clear that IBM has managed to transform their supercomputer, once started as a single project to win a specific game show, into a multi-industry cloud-based consultancy tool.

My question to the readers is whether you have any personal experience with IBM Watson and in what way?

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