AI Voice Cloning Scams: does AI always benefit?




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Artificial intelligence can benefit people in many ways: including health care, legal consultation, and education, but its applications are not always positive for everyone. According to recent news from British bank Starling, they warned that ‘millions’ of people could fall victim because of voice cloning.

Imagine that you post a five-second video on Instagram, but it is enough for the scammers to use AI to generate your voice. They will call your close family or friends to ask for money as your identity. Starling Bank surveyed with Mortar Research and it showed that 46% of respondents did not even know this kind of scam exists. 8% of people will do as the scammers said and transfer as much money as possible. More than one-fourth of people claimed that they had been targeted by this kind of scam during this year.

AI-generated voice can be made convincing by technology like OpenAI’s Voice Engine. It can be designed to enhance the quality of customer service. However good intentions do not always result in good outcomes. When the technology develops, criminals will also develop new ideas to use this technology in their favor.

Have you guys watched ‘Black Mirror’? In my opinion, as AI technology develops, it will penetrate and complicate people’s lives. There is an episode ‘Be Right Back’ about AI simulation for people’s dead loved ones. A girl’s boyfriend died in a car accident, and an AI company provides a service to simulate his voice, ways of thinking, and even body. They seem to live together just like before, but it is never the same person, right?

Question: Do you think the benefit of AI weighs more than its negative effects? How can we cooperate with challenges like this scam? How can we balance innovation with ethical problems?

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