Build your own phone! Project Ara




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                ImageGoogle is set to launch, alongside Motorola, a Build your own phone project. This consists of people being able to choose the hardware and software required for them to choose the aspects of a phone they would like to have. Although the project had started by Motorolaover a year ago, they are keen on promoting the project.

The concept is to allow people to choose the way their phone looks in shape, size, color and extra external tweaks such as a camera or speaker, you name it. This allows many consumers to have the power in their choice, it seems like a very user friendly approach.


I think this is a creative idea, but I fear the actual reliability of the function of the phone. Will it last long? Considering that people’s choice affects the whole set up of the phone, not one phone can be easily manufactured over and over. Besides, considering that many people seek for a phone that works straight from the get go, like me, I wouldn’t want to invest on a phone in which I am not sure that there would a system shut down tomorrow.

It is an interesting idea, but something tells me not to trust it that much. But what do you think? Would you invest in such a phone?

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Social Media affect our decision making?




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Over the period of our course we have discussed advertising and if we as individuals pay attention to most of them on Facebook and other platforms. We did find out it was relevantly low, and that not many advertisements gain the number of hits or clicks they would like to gain. However, even though we do not pay attention to ads, we do take some time to search for various products with specific brands to our liking. 

This leads to many people reviewing, rating, sharing advises and warnings about certain products. thus leading to other customers basing their decision on the vast majority, and mainly friends recommendations. In a recent article I read, about 90% of people go into a store because of what they saw online and about 62% people purchase after researching online.

This vast percentages shows the importance of ratings and sharing behavior online, and how it affects the consumer market. However, I for one can say am not really affected by many social media reviews and ratings of products. Does social media affect your decision making?


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Piracy sites slowly shutting down?




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While reading an article on the BBC about a known piracy site known as IsoHunt is to shutdown and the owner is to be fined over a $100 million. This issue took me to question the changes in fighting piracy over the past years and how it is affecting many production companies. However, will it ever be enough to shut sites one by one? If one goes another will rise, it will never end. After the recent shutdown of Megavideo and Megaupload surely other sites will be soon targeted, but surely we will always find a way to illegally watch, listen and stream entertainment.

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Homework assignment week 6




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After reading the articles from week 6 I decided to look at YouTube and Google+ as two social networking sites that foster diffusion and social influence. This is in terms of how one site can allow better uses for a business to grow on a social media platform. Although, many sources were sceptical of using Google+, because it just started two years and still needs adjustments to foster as a platform for businesses to take advantage of the social niche. An article by Young (2009) explained that ideas for products take time to gain acceptance and through contagion and social influence on different platforms, the success rate heavily depends on social influence, contagion and social learning.

Although YouTube is known for being the largest video sharing site in the world, Susarla, Oh and Tan (2012) recognised the impact social influence has to the success of a video going viral and a video gaining no popularity. Their main points were targeted at the audience and their networking capabilities, and how social influence is hard to recognise on such platforms, due to the vast number of users. One may reflect the likes of another and it is an ongoing cycle.

SMSN Homework

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