Online Academy?




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Most of us are studying at the Rotterdam School of Management(RSM), Erasmus university for diverse reasons. However, we can all say that we chose to study at the RSM because we want to receive a valuable certificate. For this reason, we are investing our time and loads of money in our education.
The internet has made people’s lives extremely easy. Everything has become accessible for us. This accessibility has truly improved our lives. On the other hand, it has caused for great destructions in many industries.
The Western world has groomed many great scientists, researchers, philosophers and so on. The Western world has always been extremely proud of the development of their education system. Additionally, technology has severely improved the education systems and is causing in destruction in diverse ways.

Google Academy, Google Learning, LinkedIn Learning, you might have noticed the advertisements online on diverse social media platforms. Many social platforms have launched their own online education programs where they, after successfully completing a course, offer a certificate. Google claims that their certificate may be of benefit and valid for job application. But are these certificates truly helpful? Are these certificates worth just as much as the college/university diplomas? Are the online certificates a threat for education institutions?

What are google and other platform trying to gain from this?
Google has linked this service to their products. Moreover, Google provides additional services for primary and secondary schools which makes this very prudent act. This will not only increase switching costs but also give people a true google experience.
Building credibility does not happen overnight. Many education institutions had been working on their institutions and have developed strong academic curriculum. I believe that the certificate will never be able to surpass the quality of the strong education institutions. The certificates provided by Google, LinkedIn and other media platforms can be a supplementary certificate but not as valuable as most university certificate.


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Online Academy?




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Most of us are studying at the Rotterdam School of Management(RSM), Erasmus university for diverse reasons. However, we can all say that we chose to study at the RSM because we want to receive a valuable certificate. For this reason, we are investing our time and loads of money in our education.
The internet has made people’s lives extremely easy. Everything has become accessible for us. This accessibility has truly improved our lives. On the other hand, it has caused for great destructions in many industries.
The Western world has groomed many great scientists, researchers, philosophers and so on. The Western world has always been extremely proud of the development of their education system. Additionally, technology has severely improved the education systems and is causing in destruction in diverse ways.

Google Academy, Google Learning, LinkedIn Learning, you might have noticed the advertisements online on diverse social media platforms. Many social platforms have launched their own online education programs where they, after successfully completing a course, offer a certificate. Google claims that their certificate may be of benefit and valid for job application. But are these certificates truly helpful? Are these certificates worth just as much as the college/university diplomas? Are the online certificates a threat for education institutions?

What are google and other platform trying to gain from this?
Google has linked this service to their products. Moreover, Google provides additional services for primary and secondary schools which makes this very prudent act. This will not only increase switching costs but also give people a true google experience.
Building credibility does not happen overnight. Many education institutions had been working on their institutions and have developed strong academic curriculum. I believe that the certificate will never be able to surpass the quality of the strong education institutions. The certificates provided by Google, LinkedIn and other media platforms can be a supplementary certificate but not as valuable as most university certificate.


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Technology of the Week Project – Information Goods (Music Industry)




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The music industry has evolved severely. This mainly is due to the speedy progress of IT.

Nowadays, music is being provided for free and this causes many artists to be discontent

with the online music platforms. We will zoom in on Spotify and Bandcamp which are well-

known music platforms.

Spotify uses the so called freemium model.

This is a pricing strategy where basic services and functions are free and users have to pay

for additional features and services through paid subscriptions.

Besides this revenue source Spotify also generates revenue by third party advertisements.

Artists who use Bandcamp are provided with a customizable microsite where the music they

create can be uploaded and shared. All tracks can be played for free on the website and

users are most often provided with the option to purchase the album or a specific track at

customizable prices, and sometimes are given the option to pay more than required for the

album/track. Bandcamp offers consumers free streamable content, while providing artists the

ability to set variable pricing, ranging from free to paid options, allowing for more choice for

potential customers, and allowing controlled access to the music without need for payment.

Due to the free pricing of music, music platforms are under serious pressure. Many music

platforms have been taken to court for their unfair and unjust strategies and many music

platforms did not survive these legislation conflicts. The digital Media Copyright Act protects

music artists and their work and due to the rapid development of technology in the music

industry, more Acts will be developed to protect artist and to attack music platforms.

The challenge for music platforms will be to create a business model with an agreeable price

for artists while on the other hand providing music for almost nothing to customers. We won’t

only be seeing freemium, advertisement or name your own price strategies but we might

witness more bundling of services between social media and music platforms.

Music platforms have to find the most sustainable business model.


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Secretly applying for a new job




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It is well known that most companies, especially bigger organisations, tend to fill vacant positions internally. Organisations are often not content with hiring new people which they cannot do a background check on.
The existence of online job platforms such as LinkedIn have severely helped organisations in hiring new people, because this platform provides organisation to easily trace back to the common relations they share.
LinkedIn has recently announced to aid its professionals with a new function, where they enable high profiled LinkedIn users to anonymously hint recruiters that they are looking for a new challenge while not informing their current employer’s organisation.
LinkedIn aims to better its strength and better their recruiting and selection services they provide, but is this achievable with the novel service? According to Quartz LinkedIn has attached a fine print where they state that they cannot guarantee that that every company is accurately identified, or that affiliated companies are accurately mapped in their platform. They also cannot guarantee that every recruiter has an up-to-date and correct Company ID. Making this system not completely safe. There is a small chance that your career interest preferences will be visible to a recruiter at your current employer or an affiliated company(Galbraith, 2016).

This new feature definitely is interesting for professionals who secretly want to find a new job without informing their current employers. However, the tricky question is if this is ethical?
Nowadays, transparency is being stressed by all parties in the job market due to the discrepancies in this sector. This possibly meaning that LinkedIn may aid in enhancing this discrepancy, with this novel feature.
Moreover, the higher or the more developed an occupation is, the more difficult it is to hire a qualified person. Therefore, by enabling professionals to secretly look for a job can be ethically inappropriate.

In order for there to be completeness of information on, it is best that users truly state what they desire and what their plans are.


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Online Education: What is the essence of it?!

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