How to create comic book using AI Comic Factory




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I am thrilled to share my experience of using the AI Comic Factory to create a comic book panel. I used to dream of drawing comic books based on my imagination, but due to my lack of drawing skills, it never happened in my life. However, with the support of AI, I can now draw and design comic books based on my descriptions.

Creating a comic is quite simple, following these steps:

  1. You can write your own story, but I used ChatGPT to transform my story into a comic style to save time.

2. Once you have your descriptions ready, all you need to do is input your descriptions and choose the style (e.g., American, Japanese) you want.

3. After configuring the settings, click the “Go” button on the right, and you will receive your images in the desired layout. Here, I’m sharing the comic I generated using AI with the title: “The Rise of Ant.”

The experiment I had with an AI tool to generate a comic book was indeed exciting, but I wondered if I could claim copyright protection for it. Then I came across the case of “Zarya of the Dawn,” which was created using the text-to-image engine Midjourney. It is the first AI-generated image approved for copyright protection by the agency. However, the United States Copyright Office granted only limited protection. They approved protection for the text but denied protection for the images (Jonnavithula, 2023).

As the number of generative AI tools continues to increase in availability, the importance of obtaining copyright protection also grows. The question arises: if the use of AI to create something fails to receive copyright protection, how much control should a human exercise? If these legal challenges are not addressed in the near future, I assume generative AI platforms could face secondary liability for any violations.


Jonnavithula, A. (2023, March 6). Zarya of the dawn: How ai is changing the landscape of copyright protection. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology.

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How do you survive in the age of AI?




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With the flood of data, people are dedicating an increasing amount of their time to distinguish signal from noise, often at the cost of their time and energy. According to the 2023 Work Trend Index annual report, 64% of people struggle with having the time and energy to do their jobs. Moreover, 70% of individuals express their desire to delegate tasks to AI in order to alleviate their workloads (Microsoft, 2023). It suggests that people are more enthusiastic about AI assisting them rather than being concerned about AI replacing them.

As AI and automation continue to evolve, they will not only relieve the burden but also unleash creativity and enhance productivity for everyone. Drawing from my experience working at a previous company, it was challenging to find someone who wasn’t utilizing generative AI tools like Chat GPT. I also had the opportunity to use AI presentation tools, and it was quite impressive how they generate presentation slides with various themes, including go-to-market strategies, sales proposals, training materials, and more. Everything was completed in less than a couple of minutes, and all I had to do was answer the initial question, which was about the type of presentation I wanted to create.

As I have started to concern myself about the increasing prevalence of job displacement in today’s world, I asked Chat GPT how to mitigate the risk of displacement, or simply put, how to survive in the age of AI.

This is what I got from Chat GPT.

What do you think about the comment from Chat GPT?

I believe continuous learning is definitely the most crucial comment as the world is changing so fast. To safeguard ourselves from the risk of being replaced by AI, we should not stop learning new skills and stay relevant.


Plus AI. (2023). Free market research report from plus. Free market research report from Plus.

Microsoft. (2023). Will ai fix work?. Work Trend Index.

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