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Since a lot of people use Facebook now, more information is becoming public. This makes it easier for stalkers to track their preys and get information about them. Cyberstalkers mostly do this by creating fake accounts to monitor friends, colleagues and even family members (according to If you think of stalkers, the first thing that comes to mind are dark and creepy persons that secretly watch girls or boys they like. Ex-relationships may also have a large share in the stalker industry. However, because Facebook is getting more popular by the day, stalking becomes more easy for everyone!

Research shows that Americans use Facebook 2 hours a day. In this time they also spy on friends and family members. Is this stalking? Only if the person doesn’t want the other person watching (so if they are not friends on Facebook). However, due to the fact that you can make dummy Facebook accounts (up to 10 before Facebook blocks your IP address), you can gain access to your  prey which you want to stalk.

According to the Inforgraphic below, 3% of Twitter usage is stalking other people. Youtube only has 1.5%, but Facebook has a whopping 16% of stalker usage. 88% of students that use Facebook admits that they check on ex-relationships, and 74% admits that they look on the Facebook page of the new lover of those exes.

The Infographic below explains it all it a good way!


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TED: Ideas Worth Spreading




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TED is a social platform based on ideas. Where Kickstarter is based on projects, Threadless is based on clothing and Facebook is based on social contacts, TED focusses on ideas. It gives people the opportunity to share ideas, and comment on them. These ideas are in the form of talks (TED Talks to be precise). These talks are mostly conferences about certain ideas that scientists have. An example is a talk from Johanna Blakley about the downfall of gender due to social media.

She argues that the gender based advertising is going to decline due to the fact that social media targets persons, and not groups of persons. This idea can be very interesting to some people. This is mostly discussed in the comments, right below the video. But even more, there is a special TED Conversations page in the navigation bar of the site, which allows users to start their own discussions. Say for instance you agree with what Johanna’s view on the change in society. This can be brought up in these discussion groups, in which everyone can agree or disagree with the starter. It also gives a structured view of comments, so you can see who is reacting to whom. Basically, it offers a platform to debate certain ideas that users of TED have. Of course, the ideas that you have don’t have to based upon the TED Talks, you can also put in your own thoughts (which most users do).

Something new on TED is TED-Ed. This is short for TED Education. These are not ideas worth spreading, but lessons worth spreading. So basically, if you think a certain lecture is good, and you want to share it with everyone, you can recommend it on TED-Ed. The beauty of this platform is that it offers a lecture (in the form of a video), but also offers questions after the video, so you can dig in to the material. After that there is a discussion group, in which you can discuss the lecture. It is basically a short lecture (including questions) for everyone to watch. The level of these lectures is mostly pretty easy, but it gives you more information than when you look up a subject on let’s say Wikipedia. It is hard to embed this in a WordPress post, so I will just post a link with an example. Be sure to check one of the lectures out!

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StumbleUpon, never be bored again!




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We all know the days when there’s nothing on TV and all the regular sites on the internet have nothing fun to report. Mindlessly staring at your screen, clicking on some links, bored to death. After you’ve read this, this will never happen again! Welcome to the magical world of Stumbling!

First of all, an introduction video, so you don’t have to read 🙂

So basically, it is a search engine only showing the best links. This works by users rating the particular sites. If you need some information about games, just type in games in the StumbleUpon search engine and you’ll get the results that other people prefer. This isn’t like google, the more you pay, the higher your link is. This is based on user ratings. A new way of searching. This is however not my favorite method of stumbling.

Google works just fine as a search engine. It is however when you don’t now what you want to search for, you’ll start Stumbling. Just register and download the toolbar for your internet browser. This will give you a large stumble button in the web browser. Press this button and it’ll take you to a website that is interesting for you (based on your settings). The website’s you’ll stumble upon differ from person to person. You’ll need to set your interests in the settings menu for the best results. For instance, i like music, sience, technology, web-humor, photography. In this setting I will mostly stumble opun sites that have interesting ideas about these topics. Quite easy if I may say, but believe me, it gets really addictive. Time flies when you’re stumbling.Therefore I will close with a warning. DON’T STUMBLE WHEN YOU HAVE EXAMS, it may seriously hurt your results.

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There has been a lot of talk about ‘prosuming’, the idea that the customer can co-create a product. This happens on various levels. However, there is always a company that builds the platform, and uses it’s own advertisements to make money of the products. A good example is Threadless. You can design your own clothing, but it still has a Threadless logo on it (perhaps only on the label). The same goes for Starbucks, in which ideas are ‘crowdsourced’ and may or may not be used in the final products of Starbucks. This phenomenon is called open innovation. I would like to argue that this isn’t open at all. It is based on the platform given by the company, and the company still holds responsibility. It is semi-open innovation.

What is (in my opinion) open innovation? A platform to create and produce your own ideas, any way you want. In one of the lectures Quirky was mentioned. This is a site that allows users to create there own products, and pitch them to a crowd. Users of the site then vote on it to start the production of the product. Afterwards, people can buy the product for a certain amount of money. The production process is however being managed through the site. Marketing, production advise etc. is al being monitored. So it is again, not completely open.

Then there is This site offers a very basic platform to people who want to pitch their ideas on a site. Every project creator sets their project’s funding goal and a deadline. If people like the project, they can pledge money to make it happen. If the project succeeds in reaching its funding goal, all backers’ credit cards are charged when time expires. If the project falls short, no one is charged.

The amount of money you can pledge is predefined. So let’s say someone is creating a new bike, he can ask for a pledge of $10. This will most likely get you (as a backer) nothing in return (maybe a keychain of the new product). However, if the pledge is $150, you can get one of the bikes if the project makes it’s goal. The eventual retail price will be a lot higher, but because you are an early-bird, you get a discount.

So what kind of projects are being funded of Kickstarter? Well basically, these are the categories: Art, Comics, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film & Video, Food, Games, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology and Theater. Since the launch of Kickstarter in April 2009, there has been pledged $350,000,000! There were over 30,000 successful projects.

A few examples of the funded projects:

Product Design:
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[gigya src=”” width=”480″ height=”360″ allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” wmode=”opaque” flashvars=”backcolor=000000&” ]

[gigya src=”” width=”480″ height=”360″ allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” wmode=”opaque” flashvars=”backcolor=000000&” ]

As for open innovation, the entire process is managed by the project starter self. So no intervening from Kickstarter. Kickstarter only manages the money until the projects funding goal is reached. The only downside for us Europeans is that the shipping costs are a bit higher. The other downside is that payments are only possible through Amazon checkout.

I really urge everyone to take a look at this site. You can get a lot of handy and funny products for a low price. If the funding is unsuccesfull, you’ll just get your money back!

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