Mobile payment: Make your smartphone your wallet




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The mobile phone is an evolving product the past decade. It has changed from a medium to make phone calls into a medium for data exchange and more interaction. The mobile phone is becoming one of the most important devices for the people nowadays. The mobile phone is getting more developed with more and more applications and options. Mobile phones allow us access to mobile banking with applications and mobile phones can even allow to pay by phone in case you forgot your wallet for example. This way of paying is a growing development and its popularity is also increasing among customers. Mobile phones are actually becoming some sort of ATM-machines. What can we expect from a development like this?
Payment methods has already been developed a couple of times. It started with cash payments, hereafter the payment cards were developed due to its ease of use and for more security. Nowadays, the technology has come to a point that people are able to make payments by the smartphone. As mentioned, mobile phones can make it possible for the people to use their phone to pay for transactions, also called: ‘Contactless payments’. The mobile phone becomes a device which is able to scan the code and the transaction is completed. Google and apple both already have developed applications to make this way of payments possible.
Mobile payments do have a couple of benefits in comparison with the traditional ways of making payments.
1. Anti-skimming: Payment cards can be skimmed, which is not the case for mobile payments.
2. Time saving: Just with one click on your smartphone and the transaction is completed, which is faster than using cash or payment cards.
3. Simplicity: Just a click on the home button is enough to complete the transaction.
Beside the benefits there are also two major concerns: compatibility and security. While traditional payment methods are globally accepted is the mobile payment method quite new and also not available everywhere. A payment card is accepted and is nowadays almost equal to cash. It will be a challenge to get the smartphone on that same level. The other concern is its security. Due to its ease of use it is also a dangerous method in case of potential threats. What if your smartphone is stolen or if you lose your smartphone? are examples of questions that can confirm the potential threat for this technology.
I think it is a development that will absolutely grow in its popularity. Especially due to the simplicity and the possibility to complete the transaction within a couple of seconds. I think that is possible that mobile payment will be on the same level as the traditional ways of payment, like cash or credit cards. What also will be an interesting development is if the potential threats will have a big impact on mobile payment. Security is an important issue, especially for money transactions and security is also the reason that mobile payment is not as popular as it could be in the future.

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The future of crowdfunding




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Normally, organizations that needed capital for their investments were obligated to borrow money from the bank but new forms of financing are evolving. One of them is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding can be either a complement or a substitute for the traditional ways of financing. Is crowdfunding the future for organizations?
Crowdfunding is getting a lot of press lately. Crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly powerful and popular way for organizations to raise money. By signing up on a crowdfunding platform organizations and ‘the crowd’ are able to get in touch and the organization is able to raise money. This way of financing means that the crowd makes money available in exchange for a compensation such as interest, stocks or a discount on the developed product. The growth of the popularity for crowdfunding is especially related to the growth of social media in the previous decade. It is for organizations nowadays very easy to interact with the crowd trough social media. The mass is becoming increasingly important.
The increasing popularity for crowdfunding also has a disadvantage, especially for the banks. Taking loans at the bank will decrease more and more by the evolution of crowdfunding. This way of financing is for organizations more attractive because they can interact with the crowd, whom are also their possible customers. This way of interaction with the crowd can be beneficial for the organization. It is also possible to gather information about these investors.
By focusing on the growing popularity there are 2 obvious developments in the crowdfunding process. Crowdfunding is not equally distributed over the world. Crowdfunding is especially growing in the United States, Asia and Europe but South America, Africa and parts of Asia are staying behind in this development (Massolution, 2013). The market in Asia is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the countries Japan and Singapore. Crowdfunding has grown in 2014 with 320% (Dealindex, 2015). The main reason for this phenomenon is that Asia is on average lower developed than Europe and America.
Although the phenomenon crowdfunding is not very familiar in the whole world, I do think that crowdfunding future is very promising. I do believe that crowdfunding will become a strong way to finance the investments for organizations and will keep on growing. With the growth of social media and Internet technology it will become more easy to get in touch with the crowd. The use of crowdfunding also has some advantages for organization. Customer involvement is the biggest advantage for the organizations.
All combined, I believe that crowdfunding will keep developing, the popularity will increase more and more and crowdfunding will take an important spot in the financial world.

Manaktala, N. (2015) Democratising Finance, Dealindex publication
Massolution. (2013). 2015CF Industry Report

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