Iron Ox – the future of autonomous farming




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Last week the first autonomous farm in the USA was unveiled – Iron Ox, located in San Carlos, 20 miles outside of San Francisco. An unusual type of startup for the Silicon Valley,  Iron Ox focuses on the automation of the production of leafy greens (romaine, butterhead, kale and various herbs) through the use of robotics and AI.

Iron Ox is quite a nontraditional farm. Its indoor measures are only 8000 square feet and its main farmer is Angus – a giant, 1,000 pound robot. However, the company’s goal is to grow roughly 26,000 heads of crops each year by adapting a completely different farming process.

Iron Ox uses the hydroponics method of growing plants, which does not require soil, but instead uses mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. This allows the innovative farm to grow 30 times more produce per acre than a regular farm by arranging crops  in vertical and horizontal stacks. The advantages of the hydroponics method are significant: reduced use of water, sterility and space efficiency. This method, however, requires more manual labor in moving the plants. Here is where Angus’s role comes in – completing the heavy lifting, farming and sensing tasks, while humans are responsible for the more essential roles in the process – planting each seedling and packaging the finished product.

Apart from robot automation, a cloud-based, A.I., called  “The Brain” has been put into place to monitor important metrics, such as nitrogen levels, temperature, and the location of robots. In time, the company plans to increase its functions by incorporating more data and analytics of food-based trends in order to make exact decisions about what crops should be grown and in what quantities.

What is your opinion of this innovative approach to farming?

How do you think the agriculture industry will develop in the future and be affected by technological innovations?



The Guardian, 2018. Retrieved from:

The Verge, 2018. Retrieved from:


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IFA 2018 – Appliances of the future




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Last month in Berlin took place the biggest exhibition for consumer electronics and household appliances in Europe – IFA. Major companies from all over the world (with the notable exception of Apple) took part of the trade show by presenting their newest smart products: from mobile phones to security systems. The key theme of the event was Artificial Intelligence and the ways it can transform the home appliances industry, in particular through the implementation of voice recognition and control.

In the last year the amount of AI-based household appliances has increased dramatically, all integrating voice control either from Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, but the battle between these two tech giants in the smart appliance market is just beginning. On one hand there is Amazon, which basically invented the smart speaker category with Echo and since then has expanded enormously its application into a large range of appliances – from refrigerators to lighting systems. At IFA this year companies like Bose, Sony, Huawei and Toshiba introduced their new products, featuring Amazon’s Alexa. Miele, the leading German home appliance manufacturer, presented the Amazon Echo Show, a speaker that can control and monitor the company’s newest dishwasher, the G7000.

On the other hand, there is Google, which entered the market two years later by integrating Google assistant in smartphones and has since gained large awareness and customer recognition. Due to its rising popularity in the appliances industry, more and more companies are choosing to implement Google Assistant. For example, Electrolux has announced its plan to launch smart ovens with Google voice integration in the beginning of 2019. This will introduce a new kind of technology called “Hands-free cooking” that will facilitate main functions such as selecting the right cooking program and desired temperature.


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