Funk-e: Animated Explanations




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A few years ago a friend of mine started his own little business. While still studying business administration at RSM, together with a friend he responded to the shift in ways companies and departments communicate content to followers and consumers. The idea was to explain and launch different situations, varying from new business products and concepts to politics, by creating short animated videos. Together with a team of creative people and a large freelance network around them, they now produce all kind of animated explanations.

The marketing department, as well as the personnel themselves actively promote and share videos they created not only on the Funk-e website portfolio, but also on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Already they managed to sign big clients such as UPC, Rabobank, Deloitte, NS, Siemens but also non-profit organisations such as the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Erasmus University. Furthermore they have prominently been mentioned and interviewed in Dutch business magazine Quote. What characterises Funk-e the most is how the personnel actively participate on behave of the company on social media platforms, spreading the awesomeness of Funk-e. Not too long ago they opened their second office (the first being Rotterdam of course) in the heart of Berlin.

One to watch!

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Turning tech into a lifestyle




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Sometimes I wonder what causes Apple to be a leader in almost any market they operate. The iPod, iPhone and iPad are each the top selling product by far for years in their department. But why? Is the competition that bad? Are there no devices with more capacity, speed and/or allure? The answer is no by a long stretch, which raises the question if success even depends on the product itself? And if it does how much. I mean I too have an iPhone, iPad and in the good old days an iPod, but if you ask me what was the deciding factor I would be guilty of an answer. Before purchasing these products I did research and multiple alternatives were available for just a part of the price Apple sells. So how did Apple managed to become market leader?

–       Focus: Instead of launching 10 devices per year such as Nokia, LG and Samsung Apple concentrates on one or two devices per year, increasing curiosity, attention and desire. ‘We do few things here at Apple, but we do it well’.  

–       Simplicity: ‘Make complex things simple’. This goes not only for the product’s user compatibility, but for the marketing ads, the layout and communication as well.

–       Be brave: ‘Never play safe’. Sometimes Apple will fail but trial and error and learning by doing is a key factor for success. Originality will always overpower improved content.

–       Maintaining reputation for trendsetting and social exposure: Apple creates, other companies edit and improve. The reputation as a trendsetter creates desire. Having an Apple product is regarded by some more as a fashion item than a functioning device.

Concluding one might say Apple turns technology into a lifestyle.

Why did or didn’t you buy an Apple device? 

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HA4: Marketing like a boss!




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In 2009 Old Spice launched one of the most viral marketing campaigns ever. Together with the Wieden+Kenny agency they transformed its ‘dull & made for old men’ image to a product made for a young and cool crowd. And they did so in the most awesome way ever, it has proven to be one of the most memorable concepts to this day. The ad, featuring Isaiah Mustafa as ‘the man your man could smell like’, was initially created for the Super Bowl, instantly reaching the target group.

After hitting serious viral levels on YouTube, Old Spice took it to the next level. They invited fans to ask all questions on the Twitter channel. Within days they posted 180 videos with Mustafa answering questions. Some stats at the end of the campaign (true story!)

  • 40 million YouTube views within a week
  • During the campaign 8 out of 11 most viewed clips were made by Old Spice
  • The amount of Twitter followers increased with 2700%
  • Facebook interaction skyrocketed with 800%
  • Web traffic tripled
  • The Old Spice YouTube channel became the most viewed channel
  • A whopping 107% increase in sales
  • Took over the market leadership from AXE

What did you guys think of the campaign?

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