Bidding against colleagues on your own job




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An innovation in the personal transportation business is the use of chauffeurs that drive people in their own cars, ordered through an app. Several apps dive in this specific service, like ‘Sjauf’. In this app, people can order a chauffeur to their current location or to a different location. Also can be indicated at what time the chauffeur is needed, this can be as quickly as possible but can also be at a point in the future. This service is valuable for people who are for example at a social event with alcoholic drinks, are tired after a long working day or want to work during the ride. The price setting works as follows: an app user indicates that he/she would like to make use of the service and sets a specific start location, destination and starting time. After this is registered on the app, it is visible for the other side of the platform, the chauffeurs. They are now able to bid on the job against their colleague drivers, where the driver with the lowest bid will win the bidding process and execute the job.

The app is at the moment still quite small, but is growing very rapidly. I think this business has ideal market opportunities, for many people don’t want to drink and drive or are so busy during certain periods so that they could really use the time in which they normally drive themselves. I can imagine driving to work on a Friday morning and being asked to join colleagues for a drink when the day is over. You still need your car the next morning for whatever reason so a Taxi home is not an option. Then this app is a solution, which could reduce the amount of people driving while being under the influence of alcohol. For students, this is an ideal job on the side because of their unregular availability and the ability to travel for free or with a discount on the public transport. The only part that somewhat worries me is the bidding process of the drivers against each other. I’m interested to hear what you think about this.

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Blockchain enabled mortgages




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Closing a mortgage can be a lot of work. Many documents have to be turned in at the bank like employers statement, payslips, Identification, valuation report of the real estate, purchase agreement etc. Thanks to blockchain this process could become simpler.

A partnership of more than twenty companies, the Dutch government and educational institutions are working together to make more use of the blockchain technology. A blockchain is described as a network of computers, the chain, which all have copies of the blocks. They control it together, so the blockchain is decentralized with no database. Every block in the chain contains encrypted data, and every block in the chain is based on the encrypted block before. So the data is protected this way. Adjustments in the chain, for example transactions, can only be made if the majority of the computers approve it, like the process with the Bitcoin. This makes it fraud resistant and it can’t be shut down. This is why banks are highly interested in this technology for the financial sector, to protect them against cyber-attacks.

The partnership is testing whether it is possible for people to close a mortgage using blockchain. Instead of delivering all the documents a bank requires normally, the information can be delivered to a bank that uses blockchain from that same blockchain. Instead of proving your income to a bank, you can scan a QR code and determine in an app which information you want to share with your bank. The blockchain delivers the income that is officially registered and confirms that it corresponds with the income registered by tax authorities. So now people don’t have to dig up and send documents and can’t manipulate them anymore.
Bottom-line is that with the use of blockchain, people you don’t know can be trusted and information can be verified with the speed of light. Sounds to me like technology is again making life easier.

– ‘Online gegevens uitwisselen wordt sneller en veiliger’, Eigen huis magazine okt. 2017

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