Cloud computing




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Cloud computing is one of the components of Industry 4.0. Cloud computing allows us to share and use applications, resources and get access to servers, storages, databases over the Internet, independent of location (Smith, 2009). Nowadays, cloud computing is just another utility that companies can purchase on-demand. It contains all the software and applications needed for business.

The cloud is available at inexpensive quotes and hence, can substantially decrease the organization’s IT costs. Companies that implement cloud computing have benefits of cost and time, enabling them to focus on their operations. This advantage is significant for small businesses, as they usually do not have large budgets for IT infrastructure (Truong, 2010).

Cloud computing also enables organizations to meet their goals and objectives through the development of cloud business frameworks and models. These models are rather innovative and provide a competitive advantage to the companies. In addition, cloud computing also enables organizations to be able to analyze the highly-complex business data.

Cloud computing

Cloud consulting is another competitive advantage that companies can obtain from cloud computing. Organizations and their workers get the necessary tools to conduct business operations. Their tools are not only effective but also efficient. With the emergence of cloud computing, small businesses can access IT services without investing in their servers. Smaller organizations, bound by their scarce resources, never had enough capacity to invest in IT services. However, cloud computing has become noteworthy to small businesses. Quittner suggests that the cloud computing services availed by smaller organizations not only save them money and time but also contribute to their business operations (Smith, 2009).


Cloud computing iot

Cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) have observed rapid growth over the past decade. Cloud computing enables the collection and interpretation of large datasets. The ability of cloud computing to deal with massive sets of data has led to the expansion of IoT. Numerous ways have been devised through which cloud computing handles the emergence of IoT. Fog computing is a way by which IoT devices have become capable of storing and analyzing data, without having to feed data into the cloud for dissemination and analytics.

One example is of the self-driving cars that function appropriately after receiving signals from the sensors. The self-driving cars make use of fog computing, also known as the edge computing, to make decisions instantly.


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Blockchain Technology: The solution for cybersecurity?




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Blockchain technology is useful when it comes to fortifying cybersecurity. There are many tools that blockchain technology has to offer to its users to ensure the protection of the data against hackers. These tools play a significant role in lowering the chances of fraud or data theft.


Blockchain gets corrupt when a hacker gets into the system and destroys every dataset that is stored on every computer forming a part of the global network.

A global network may be made up of millions or billions of computers. Each computer has its own set of data that may store some data and its copies. It is rather impossible for a hacker to corrupt the entire global network made up of millions of computers in one go. Unless the global network corrupts, it will store all the data and keep it as a safe record. Hackers find it even more difficult to corrupt the entire global network as the number of users increases. As the blockchain technology continues to expand and the network grows, there is a very minute risk of hackers corrupting the network and bringing all the computers down, concurrently, to steal data (Lee & Lee, 2017).

The complexity of blockchain technology is the main reason why hacking into the network gets very difficult. Therefore, blockchain technology has now become one of the most secure forms of sharing and storing information on online platforms.

Given the complexity of blockchain technology, entrepreneurs now realize that hacking is really difficult. Therefore, they have now resorted to the implementation of blockchain technology across various industries to protect data and prevent the occurrences of fraudulent activities. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can also be prevented through the implementation of blockchain technology. This is because hackers find it very difficult to attach the global network when the DNS is decentralized. Upon decentralization, the contents are distributed to millions of undamaged computers on the networks.







Lee, B., & Lee, J. (2017). Blockchain-based secure firmware update for embedded devices in an internet of things environment. J. Supercomput, 73 (3), 1152–1167.
Smith, R. (2009). Computing in the Cloud, Research-Technology Management.
Truong, D. D. (2010). How cloud computing enhances competitive advantages: A research model for small businesses. The Business Review, Cambridge, 59-63.

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