Generative AI in Supporting Market Intelligence Creation




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As a supply chain professional, the COVID-19 pandemic was a nightmare as I faced significant challenges in securing enough critical ICs to support the production of new products. Even though our contract manufacturers had prepared some buffer stock, it didn’t last long enough to get us through the crisis. This experience emphasized the importance to have an accurate capacity and supply prediction from solid market intelligence. Traditionally, we relied on third-party consulting to gather the intelligence, but this approach was often time-consuming and not always cost-effective. With the development of Generative AI, I planned to turn to ChatGPT to obtain market intelligence which focuses on critical ICs.

To start the experiment, I planned to obtain market intelligence on IC Microcontroller Units (MCUs) to analyze capacity and supply over the past three years and project trends for the next two years. Additionally, I wanted the market intelligence to highlight the top three MCU suppliers, with a focus on PC and automotive industries. The intelligence needed to feature clear statements, supported by relevant data. For the content, I ensured it encompassed industry insights, lessons learned and recommendations for proactive solutions.

After inputting above requests into ChatGPT, I received an outline detailing the market intelligence. This included sections such as historical market analysis, current market situation, future market projections, top three MCU suppliers which focus on automotive and PC industries, lessons learned and recommendation for proactive solutions, all accompanied by data and relevant sub-bullets.

However, this version didn’t fully meet my expectations, so I asked ChatGPT to have a deeper dive by breaking down each section in more detail. As a result, I received a more comprehensive version. For instance, under the “Historical Market Analysis” section, it was expanded to include details on “Global MCU Production and Supply Constrains” and “Automotive and PC Industries Impact” during 2021 and 2023. After several rounds of interaction, I finally obtained a market intelligence that provided me with a comprehensive understanding of supply and capacity in the MCU industry over the past three years and trends projection for the next two years.

Through this experience, I realized how powerful Generative AI like ChatGPT can be in supporting us in our daily work. To fully utilize its capabilities, it’s essential for us to craft precise prompts to communicate with AI and guide it to execute step-by-step analysis, ensuring it produces the content we truly need. Additionally, while AI-generated content can be useful, it’s important to apply critical thinking, leveraging our knowledge and experience, rather than blindly accepting everything created by the machine.

Appendix: Part of the Market Intelligence Report

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Gumroad’s Simple but Powerful Approach to Helping Creators Succeed Online




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My friend Julie is an incredibly talented handcrafter who consistently produces unique and imaginative products. Yet, despite her creativity, she struggled to find an affordable and effective way to market her creations. Recently, during one of our conversations, she excitedly mentioned discovering a platform called Gumroad. She was thrilled because this platform allowed her to not only market her products effectively but also to receive a fair price that reflects the true value of her efforts.

Intrigued by the platform’s name, which I found both quirky and catchy, I decided to dig deeper into how Gumroad operates and why it works so well for creators like Julie.

What is Gumroad?

Gumroad is an e-commerce platform that connects creators, artists, professionals, and entrepreneurs directly with customers. The platform enables the sale of digital products such as e-books, music, software, films, photographs, and more. What sets Gumroad apart is its simplicity—it’s a disruptive innovation in the market, streamlining the selling process and providing a platform that makes it easy to sell specialized, accessible, and affordable products and services.

Unlike traditional business models that often rely on intermediaries like wholesalers, galleries, or retails, Gumroad eliminates these middlemen. This disintermediation creates a direct connection between creators and end consumers. By decoupling the physical processes involved in traditional sales—like organizing inventory, renting space, and handling on-site payments—Gumroad allows creators to focus on their work rather than the logistics of selling. This simplified approach also benefits customers who can now purchase products more conveniently and cost-effectively.

Why Gumroad Stands Out

Gumroad offers a wide range of products and services across various categories, including drawings, paintings, e-books, films, software development services and so on. Additionally, the platform caters to niche markets through sub-categories, allowing customers to find exactly what they need. Payment flexibility is another highlight, with options ranging from credit cards to PayPal and other gateways, making it easier for customers to complete transactions.

What truly empowers creators on Gumroad is the platform’s analytics and marketing tools. Creators can track their sales performance, gain insights from customer data, and leverage these insights to improve their offerings. The platform gives them the freedom to set prices and control marketing efforts, enabling them have more autonomy to refine their products and strengthen customer relationships.

With its transparent, user-friendly design, Gumroad has become a very popular platform for independent creators.

Facing Competition

However, Gumroad isn’t without competition; other platforms such as Sellfy and Payhip also propose competition challenges. To stay ahead and maintain its competitive advantages, Gumroad need to continually innovate better to best products and services, refine unique and unmatched user experiences for both creators and end consumers by applying cutting-edge technologies.

In the fast-evolving e-commerce landscape, Gumroad demonstrates that a customer-centric, personalized content and technically robust but user-friendly platform are key to success.

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