Digital Transformation Project – [BusinessPlanCorePowerYoga_Group24]




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Summary of the business plan for CorePower Yoga:

CorePower Yoga (CPY), the largest private yoga chain in the United States owns over 150 of the busiest studios, across 15 states. The Fremont studio, the second busiest studio nationwide, gets an average of 200 clients per day. After interviewing the Studio Manager, Jen Dekok, our team identified the lack of information strategy within the hypergrown firm. CPY’s founder, Trevor Tice, wants to see CPY expand to more than 500 studios and promotes CPY as the “Starbucks of Yoga”.

It is very important to integrate modern technology into CPY’s internal business strategy in order to serve customer in high standard. Upon deeper research, we noticed that CPY’s mobile application is outdated and does adds value to neither clients nor employees. Jen said she does not even use the app and she wishes that she can communicate with clients using the application. The current app shows limited information, does not allow registration, reservation, and is not user friendly.

Thus, our team proposes a new business plan to implement a new mobile application. In order to sustain the proposed mobile application we looked at the figures from the market of mobile application. Also, we evaluated the idea for the financial, technical and business fit feasibility. With the new app, students are able to register a new account and get their new free week trial. Apart from registration, students will be able to reserve a spot for future classes, which eliminates the frustration of getting turned away after coming to an overbooked class.

Through the new application, CPY can greatly increase customer satisfaction and improve resources allocation. In the long run, information technology will help CPY to serve its ever-growth customer base effectively. It has the potential to automate many labor tasks, generate personalized offers, promote more yoga related events, and deliver quality service. The positive ripple impact can increase membership sign-ups and word of mouth advertising. All in all, we strongly believe that the mobile application would bring benefit to CorePower Yoga.


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Time to defend ourselves in the furious cyber war!




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A major hack attack snarled Web traffic on the East Coast Friday, all the most famous website such as Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, SoundCloud, PayPal, eBay, Amazon and even Netflix were not accessible for users for hours. The FBI and Homeland Security is current still investigating on this case and trying to find out who is responsible for the attack. (BBC News, 2016)

The company being attacked is a internet service company called Dyn. The company claimed that the incidents is due to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks which is an attempt to take websites offline by overloading them with internet traffic from different sources. For more information regarding to this certain type of cyber attack, have a look at the video:(BBC News, 2016)

Such news has reminded us again about the importance of  cyber security as the Internet of things has growing faster than ever. I believe that the term cyber attack is not unfamiliar to anyone anymore these days.  We have seen many news recent year that companies being hacked and that users account or information is leaked or so, such as what happened earlier this year with Linkedin and Yahoo. It is now a big concern for any active online companies to take into account in their daily operation. In my opinion, there are some things that could be done to improve the cyber security for companies. Firstly, more investment on IT service is necessary to building up the castle wall, firewall seems not enough as a protection anymore. Secondly, they should know better about the data being stored so that more specific solution could be provided to protect it or in the worst case scenario, companies would know better what information is hacked/leaked and how to makeup for it.

What do you think of this issue concerning cyber security? What could be the possible ways to improve it in your view ?


BBC News. (2016). Cyber attacks briefly knock out top sites – BBC News. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016].


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Everything is available on Mobile App. Yes, even Sperm!




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The Internet of things has disruptively changed the dynamics of many industries that consequently it has also dramatically altered every aspect of our life associating with computer technology. Communication becomes boundless; study and work become more flexible; shopping is a matter of “click”.Furthermore, it feels like you can get everything with a smartphone: food delivery, car service, banking service, or even a date.

Guess what, now it is even possible to select a potential sperm done through the new application of the biggest sperm bank in U.K. — The London Sperm Bank.The rapid development of reproductive technology allows more and more couples are able to have a child they dreamed to have. With more than 10000 vials in storage in any given time, The London Sperm Bank is leading the market in U.K. Currently, it has even evolved its business further by coming up with the new application.

Customers are able to use the filter to pick a sperm donor by different features such as eye colour, hair colour, height, skin tone, nationality, qualifications,etc. They can even set an alert (a function of “wish list”) to a potential ideal donor and get a “match” notification from the application when it is available.

Even with the approval of the government’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and many other medical associations, it is still not a surprise that such application would receive some criticism about ethical issues as the process of choosing a child (biological gene) now seems like no difference than shopping for any other items in life such as clothes, shoes and so on. However, it is also very logical to argue when a couple wants to find a sperm donor, they already know very well how the donor should be for them.

What is undoubted is that the new application is a result of the normalization for reproductive technology that it simplifies the process, create more opportunities and offers more options to the market.

What is your opinion on it?


Pearce, S. (2016). About the London Sperm Bank | London Sperm Bank. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Oct. 2016].

Sklar, J. (2016). You can now order on-demand donor sperm through your phone. [online] MIT Technology Review. Available at: [Accessed 2 Oct. 2016].

mogaz news en. (2016). The London Sperm Bank’s new mobile app is designed to make it easier to pick a …. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Oct. 2016].


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