Motorcycles and Technology – BMW’s Vision




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BMW has revealed its long-term vision for its motorcycle division, BMW Motorrad. The company revealed the concept model of the Vision Next 100. The motorcycle is so technologically advanced that, in theory, it would not be necessary to wear a helmet when driving it.


The Motorcycle

The model is an entire redesign from the concept of a motorcycle. For example, the Vision Next 100 does not need any kind of suspension, thanks to BMW’s self-coined Flexframe technology. Instead, the two wheels are designed to absorb all shocks and bumps. For steering, instead of the front wheel changing direction through a pivot, the entire frame changes shape in order to realise the course of direction. Most prominently, the motorcycle houses several technological features that allow the motorcycle to never fall over. This feature adds a great deal of safety to riders of all experience levels. Lastly, in line with BMW’s overall target of increasing environmental sustainability, the conceptual model is based on a zero-emissions technology.



The Wearables

BMW’s technology implementations do not stop at the motorcycle itself. The rider is also immersed in technological novelties. Literally. The gear is divided in two parts: a bodysuit and a visor. As there is no risk of tipping over, the bodysuit is very light and the visor does not need to have a helmet component.


The visor is able to display all kinds of data to the rider, depending on the situation on the road and where the rider is looking. For example, regarding distraction issues, data displays are brought to a minimum when the rider looks straight ahead. When the rider looks up, however, a camera mounted at the back of the motorcycle will allow the rider to view what is happening behind him or her. Also, the display will alert the rider of road hazards and it will propose suitable approaches to turns. If the rider does not adhere to the suggestions and is risking an unsafe approach to a turn, the bike will correct its positioning itself in order to prevent a crash.


The bodysuit also mainly serves as a conveyer of information. Besides the more traditional functions of keeping the temperature of the rider on a suitable level and providing support to the body during long journeys, the suit also allows navigation to work through the suit. For example, vibrations in the right arm signal the need to turn right, and the other way around for the left arm.


The Vision

Although the extensive implementations of technology make it seem like BMW is going towards self-driving motorcycles, their actual goal is the exact opposite. Everything to add, every feature they implement, is to empower the rider to fully experience the forces unleashed when riding a motorcycle. Free from restrictive gear and enabled by technology to fully commit to a perfect riding experience. So, very different from the car industry’s destination focus, BMW’s vision is fully geared towards enhancing the journey itself. With the synergy between man, tech and machine, getting from A to B has gotten a lot more exciting.



Howard, B. (2016). BMW’s 100-year vision: a smart motorcycle that won’t tip or crash | ExtremeTech. [online] ExtremeTech. Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2016].

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Ford, Mercedes and Toyota: the Nokias of tomorrow?




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Reading Tech-Blogs nowadays, it seems like the days of traditional car manufacturers are numbered. Not only are they seen as producers of old, inefficient and not very innovative products, an image that has worsened thanks to Volkswagen’s self-made emissions scandal which has tainted the whole industry. VW, Ford and others also face a generation of consumers that increasingly sees owning a car as unnecessary, a development brought on by Uber and Lyft. And as if that was not enough, new competitors – be it an upstart like Tesla or technology behemoths like Google or Apple – are striving to wrestle market share from traditional players and revolutionize the car market with new technology – be it electric engines or driverless vehicles. But how bad is the situation really? Does the traditional car industry really run the risk of being disrupted as other industries have been before with all the catastrophic consequences this entails? Are BMW, Mercedes and Audi about to become the Nokias of the automobile industry?
To answer this question, it is useful to consider the Theory of Newly Vulnerable Markets (NVMs), developed by Eric Clemons and his colleagues. To fulfill the criteria for an industry that is ripe for disruptive innovation three conditions have to be met: it must be newly easy to enter, attractive to attack and difficult to defend. So let us examine whether these criteria are fulfilled in the automobile industry.

Newly Easy to Enter

Despite some recent technological developments, it seems that the automobile industry is still not easy to enter. Manufacturing and selling a car still requires investing huge amounts of both physical and human capital, a feat that is hard to achieve by start-ups, as they are notoriously under-funded (or so they say). It is no surprise then that the recent (aspiring) newcomers have deep pockets. A quick research on CrunchBase yields the result that Tesla raised approximately $2.37 billion over the course of the last 12 years. To some extent this was made possible solely by the support and connections of its founder Elon Musk. It is hard to see how any other start-up (that aims to actually manufacture goods) could raise that much money. And the efforts of Google and Apple in the car industry are made possible by these companies’ immense war chests, accumulated with profits from their core business. So if you are not Google or Apple and are not called Elon Musk, you will not be able to raise the huge capital outlays, necessary to bring a car to market and compete with the industry giants. Of course this does not change the fact that entry (whether it was easy or not) has already occurred. Furthermore, Uber’s popularity has the potential to undermine the traditional car manufacturers business models in the long-run.

Attractive to Attack

While the car industry is still not easy to enter, it would be an attractive target industry for an attack on the incumbents. Despite falling overall profit margins (due to intense competition), there clearly exists a product profitability gradient, inviting opportunistic pickoff of the more profitable segments. Although exact profit margins for specific models are hard to come by (most car manufacturers only publish total company profitability), it is a well-known fact that premium cars enjoy higher profits margins than low-end models. Therefore, “cherry picking” the high-end customers first, is possible. Tesla has successfully implemented such a strategy by first introducing its high-end Model S (base price: $66.000) before penetrating the mass market with its new Model 3 (base price: $35.000) that is due to hit the streets in 2017.
There is another factor that makes the car manufacturing sector attractive for attack. With recent technological advancements, the driverless car seems an achievable goal within the next two decades. This will bring a tremendous shift in the way we move, as car manufacturers will become “mobility company[ies]”, according to Ford’s CEO Mark Fields. Whoever comes to dominate this market will surely reap immense profits. This is the reason why technology giants such as Google and Apple have become interested in automobile manufacturing.

Difficult to Defend

This leads us to the last condition for NVMs: the difficulty of defending the car industry. Here the picture looks ambiguous. While traditional car companies (especially German ones) are still dominated by engineers and their often inflexible and narrow way of thinking. This could become a burden when competing against companies with a more agile and creative mindset and therefore a higher capacity to innovate.
However, there are a few silver linings that give hope that not all is lost for traditional car makers. First, some of them own hugely popular brands. In some cases, these have been built over the run of almost a century. Other forms of intangible capital that give incumbents a defensive advantage, are the complex supplier networks that also are the result of years of cooperation between companies in the car manufacturing supply chain and the specialized knowledge, accumulated in the employees of big manufacturers. Finally, the incumbents have realized the need to innovate and have started to develop new business models (e.g. Moovel by Daimler) or investing heavily in R&D of future technologies like electric vehicles and driverless cars (e.g. the decision of many German car makers to dramatically increase their electric vehicle fleet).


So back to the initial question: are Ford, Mercedes and Toyota (or other manufacturers) the next Nokias? In my opinion they are not. While it is true that incumbents of the automobile industry face unprecedented challenges, they also have decades of experience in their industry. Tesla’s recent difficulties in scaling up production and in dealing with the first driverless fatal crash have shown that the regulatory environment and the economics of the car industry as well as its engineering challenges are harder to navigate than the classical technology market from which the new challengers originate. Even Apple seems to have run in difficulties in developing its driverless car, firing dozens of employees working on “Project Titan”. Combining their unique industry knowledge with an openness to innovation both in technology and business model, will enable today’s car manufacturers to take on Google, Apple, Tesla and Uber.
Don’t expect a mass extinction of big car brands just yet!



Clemons, E. K., Gu, B., and Lang, K. R. Newly vulnerable markets in an age of pure information
products: an analysis of online music and news. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19, 3,
(winter 2002-2003), 17-41.  (Source in German)

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