Designing Business Models for Generation Z




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As we have learnt over the past weeks of following the course Information Strategy, businesses need to control and renew their business models regularly to remain competitive and not lose power if their industry gets disrupted. Not only new technologies are entering the market demanding them to change the way they’re doing business, but also their customers change.

In 2020, 40% of all consumers in the U.S. will be coming from the so-called generation Z (Digital Marketing Institute n.d.). According to McKinsey (2018), everyone born between the years 1995 and 2010 is part of the new generation Z, which follows the millenials.

Firstly, to understand how to change current (digital) business models to meet the tastes of generation Z, one needs to understand the values, characteristics and needs of the new target group. So who is generation Z?

Generation Z values having an “undefined ID”, meaning that they do not want to be identified with only one stereotype or group (McKinsey 2018). Another term for them is “identity normads” who are quickly changing their appearance and have not only a one-sided opinion (McKinsey 2018).

Furthermore, generation Z is highly “communaholic”, valuing diversity and likes to belong to many different groups (McKinsey 2018). Through the use of the internet, generation Z’ers are able to and enjoy connecting with people from different cultural, educational or financial backgrounds (McKinsey 2018). They tend to form their groups based on interests.

Lastly, generation Z is highly realistic (McKinsey 2018). The “digital natives” are used to receiving large amounts of information through online channels and know how to filter their information (McKinsey 2018). This leads to the fact that they only have short attention spans (Digital Marketing Institute n.d.). They refuse to rely on one source only and therefore rather dedicate a short amount of time to each source (Digital Marketing Institute n.d.). Furthermore, they are highly pragmatic and value safety, coming from e.g. saving money and having a job (McKinsey 2018).

How do businesses need to change to attrackt and keep generation Z as a consumer?

According to McKinsey (2018), businesses should change their business models from possession to access. Generation Z is highly pragmatic and cares about their information consumption, while the generation does not actually care about owning the information (McKinsey 2018). This means that businesses should aim for turning their traditional products into services (McKinsey 2018). The automotive industry is an example of this process. While other generations used to prefer purchasing and owning a car, generation Z is turning to car rental services (McKinsey 2018). Car manufacturers can benefit from this trend by, instead of selling a car once, selling the car multiple times to multiple consumers (McKinsey 2018).

Generation Z is consuming goods and services mainly to express themselves (Digital Marketing Institute n.d.; McKinsey 2018). They refuse to purchase brands to fit into a certain friend group and tend to more personalized products to show off their identity (McKinsey 2018). Therefore, businesses can charge a premium for personalized and unique products. According to McKinsey (2018), 48% of generation Z’ers prefer clothes that are not solely produced for men or women, which creates an opportunity to rethink current fashion retailer business models.

Lastly, generation Z wants to be able to consume immediately (McKinsey 2018). They value being informed about the arrival time of their package and want to be able to place an order at any time and to any place they are currently at, while receiving a great and friendly customer experience (Digital Marketing Institute n.d.; McKinsey 2018). Businesses are therefore challenged to optimize their app and web design, to minimize delivery times in their supply chain and to provide excellent customer service which is available 24/7.

Do you identify yourself with generation Z? Do you know further facts about generation Z that businesses should consider when renewing their current (digital) business models?



Digital Marketing Institute (n.d.). ‘Is your business ready for the rise of generation Z?’. Accessed on 17 October on

McKinsey (2018). ”True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies’. Acessed on 17 October 2019 on

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Drone to the rescue!




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Recently I have found out about a drone called HELPER (Human Environment and Life Protection Emergency Response) which is specially designed to detect people in the water. This summer it has been used for the first time at the Atlantic coast in France to improve the time the lifeguards need to rescue people from drowning. The drone is able to attend the person by throwing a self-inflating buoy a minute earlier than the professional lifeguards, which means a lot to someone who is in difficulty (Le Figaro, 2016). The drone used in France has been developed by Total, an oil and gas company, to assist in search and rescue, environmental protection and rig safety (The Engineer, 2016). It carries a thermal camera with which it can search for people at sea and assess the scale of leaks and spills. Actually

different equipments can be installed to let the drone serve for different purposes. The idea is not completely novel as in 2013 the RTS Labs in Iran together with Amin Rigi have already started to develop a drone that could be produced in large amounts to assist lifeguards throughout the world in their work. This drone is called the PARS Arial Rescue Robot (Popular Science, 2014).

Although, the commercial drone industry is still at the beginning of its lifecycle, they have in recent years gone through fast development (Drone Industry Insights, 2016). There are already a lot of technologies and products available and the HELPER and PARS are only one example of what a drone could do.

Multiple businesses have invested highly in this unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to achieve performances exceeding their competition. For example, Amazon, is developing Amazon Prime Air to create a new competitive advantage. With the use of drones, they are aiming at delivering their customer orders within 30 minutes. If you want to see what it currently looks like watch this video.

And like Amazon there are multiple other companies trying to create a competitive advantage through UAV such as Mercedes Benz with their Vision Van Electric Concept or Google with its Project Wing (FastCompany, 2016).

Of course the drone technology still has to undergo improvements and regulations have to made but it might soon be very common to see drones flying around to either save our lives or save our time.



Le Figaro, 2016. Sécurité des plages : un drone pour sauver des vies. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 October 2016].

The Engineer, 2016. New multi-mission drone from Total | The Engineer. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 October 2016].

Popular Science, 2014. Lifeguard Drone Ready For Mass Production [Video] | Popular Science. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 October 2016].

Drone Industry Insights, 2016. Drone Investment Trends 2016 – Drone Industry Insights. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 October 2016].

Fast Company, 2016. This is How Google’s Project Wing Drone Delivery Service Could Work | Fast Company | Business + Innovation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 October 2016].

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Technology Of The Week – The Succes And Risks Of The Innovative Business Models Of Netflix And Blendle




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We all know the old fashioned way of watching movies. You had to rent a movie, insert the movie in your video player, skip the annoying parts and enjoy the movie. It was annoying, time consuming and a lot of trouble to just watch a movie.

Nowadays an internet connection, a compatible device and a few clicks are enough to sit back and enjoy your media. Netflix and Blendle made these kind information goods available by ease of replication and distribution. Netflix is a digital movie service where people get a monthly subscription to stream movies and series without commercials. Blendle is a digital news platform that gathers articles from all kinds of newspapers and magazines. You only pay for the articles you read. Articles can be shared, people can react on the articles and comment on these reactions. It is a combination of an online kiosk and a social network.

These business models show us the perfect form of information goods. (1) The information provided by the two organizations are costly to produce but cheap to reproduce. (2) Once the first copy of a good had been produced, most costs are sunk and cannot be recovered. (3) Multiple copies can be produced at constant per-unit costs. (4) There are no natural capacity limits for additional copies. Articles and movies can be sold over and over again. Besides these points the business models version in their pricing. However, in a different way. Netflix offers three subscriptions and therefore gain from extremeness aversion. Humans tend to choose the average option, this Goldilock pricing will increase revenue. Blendle on the other hand prices their articles based on the supplier and the length of the article.

Both business models have a couple of similar strengths:

  1. The services can be easily used on all necessary devices,
  2. They provide much content,
  3. They have low costs compared to the old fashioned way,
  4. They can establish pricing arrangements that capture as much of that value as possible. Done by (a) the registration of the customers, (b) observing queries and clickstreams and (c) through behavioural targeting

Besides these matching strengths, Netflix and Blendle have individual strengths and weaknesses as well:

Table 1

The future shows some interesting opportunities and threats for Netflix and Blendle and for de information goods market as a whole:

Table 2

Overall we can see that Netflix and Blendle are operating in a very interesting market. Offering great opportunities. Both Blendle and Netflix can gain a profit of this fast growing industry.

Group 42 –

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