4.5/5 (8) 50k views and counting, how to get MASSIVE views!!!





Hello fellow BIM students,

Some of you might have noticed that certain posts are getting massive amounts of views.

all time high

The first thing that pops into your mind might be that these guys are actively sharing their content on social media. This is unlikely though because getting this many unique views on one post in one day (see images below) is really really hard to accomplish through that method.

13k views one day

13k views one day

The next possibility you might think about is that they are hiring a group of people through some view boosting website like the one below.


However, we are all students, meaning that we have low budgets and would rather spend our money on partying, Netflix/Spotify subscriptions and other more rewarding activities. So I don’t consider this option viable in our situation.

So how do the top posts get their crazy amount of views? Did they press F5 non-stop for a couple of weeks in order to reach the top?

f5 broken

There must be some sort of secret method to their success. In this post, I would like to share my easy method with you guys to help boost YOUR view count up to 5k, 10k or even 50k! Let’s go!

Step 1: Decide the post that you want to boost!

This is obviously a very basic step, in order to get views on a post, you need to have posted at least some content. In this example, I use a very basic article I wrote about IBM’s supercomputer Watson (check it out: http://bit.ly/2y71SxK).

IBM watson article 2


Step 2: Download the Opera browser and open the blog post in multiple tabs!

Viewbotting on 5 tabs

Step 3: This is where the magic comes in, download the Super Auto Refresh extension for Opera!

Super Auto Refresh extension Opera

Step 4: Start the Extension and make it run on all tabs at a speed of 30 seconds!

Super refresher extension Opera browser

Why do I give you guys the advice to run it on 5/6 tabs max at a speed of 30 seconds? Because I encountered many many errors on the first days using this method running it at faster speeds. These error messages, see below, cause not only me but every other user trying to access the website to experience problems.

Internal Server Error

Service Unavailable

So if you don’t want a group of angry students chasing you because they couldn’t upload their blog posts please take this advice.

IS blog troubles

Step 5: Get some spare laptops, plug them into their chargers and don’t touch them for a couple of days/weeks!

This will help you feel like a real hacker and boosts the feeling that you can join Anonymous because you know your computer stuff.

3 laptops setup


Step 6: Watch your article reach some magic milestones! You are finally reaching the top of the list!
1000 views mark

2000 views mark






Step 7: Sit back and relax, you did some really awesome hacking and can now enjoy your success for the rest of your life! You will always be remembered as that BIM student that knew how to reach the top!

all time high

As much as I enjoyed abusing the view count system behind https://digitalstrategy.rsm.nl// I would like to give some quick advice to the website admin. As soon as I realized that F5 views were counted as unique views although they came from the same IP-Address I started to look for ways to maximize my view count. I think that this in no way reflects the quality of my blog post and can actually destroy the intention of this web page. So to prevent things like this happening in the future please try to cap the number of views per IP-address or find some other way to achieve this.

Thanks for reading guys and enjoy your road to success!

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The art of clickbait.

You clicked on the link, didn’t you? How do you attract clicks on your post in a world that is moving so fast that you don’t have time to read everything? Create a title for you article that is too good not to click. Enter clickbait, fishing for your clicks by creating purposely false titles. Clickbait can be described as “web content that is aimed at generating online advertising revenue, […] relying on sensationalist headlines or eye-catching thumbnail pictures to attract click-throughs and to encourage forwarding of the material over online social networks.”¹ Clickbait is probably one of the most hated categories of posts on social media.

Screen Shot 2016-10-01 at 13.41.22BuzzFeed and Upworthy are known to use clickbait titles to drive in views and ad revenue. (Screenshot of BuzzFeed taken on October 1st, 2016)

Facebook recently introduced a new algorithm that aims to stop these kind of ‘headlines’ to appear in your newsfeed. They already tried to limit the amount of clickbait appearing in your newsfeed in 2014², but apparently those clickbait sites still found a way around it. In 2014 Facebook announced that they would start looking at the amount of time spend reading the article, and the amount of likes given, to determine whether the article is clickbait or not. The new algorithm will will weed out misleading and exaggerated headlines the same way that email spam filters weed out fantastic offers to help Nigerian princes recover their lost fortunes. The new algorithm will de-prioritize posts with headlines that “(1) withholds information required to understand what the content of the article is; and (2) exaggerates the article to create misleading expectations for the reader.”³. Facebook employees analysed tens of thousands of headlines, and flagged those that intentionally withhold important information and those that use exaggeration to mislead the reader as “clickbait”. From there, they built a system that looks at the set of clickbait headlines to determine what phrases are commonly used in clickbait headlines that are not used in other headlines. This is how many self learning systems work. You show them a set off correct items and a set of incorrect items and the software itself can figure out if a new item is correct (no clickbait) or incorrect (clickbait).

Facebook wants to get rid of the clickbait articles in order to show people the stories most relevant to them. When your whole timeline is full of clickbait this ruins your user experience and you will probably not return to Facebook very often anymore which is bad for Facebook.

So hopefully no more:

in the future.





Read also:

FinTech: How to get the best exchange rate when traveling abroad. 5/5 (1)

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Data is art




5/5 (5)

Last week I attended the event the Commercial Break organised by the Marketing Association EUR. During this event, four speakers shared their knowledge regarding their own marketing campaigns. As a BIM student, one speaker appealed to me the most and I want to share his story with you.

Daan de Raaf, Executive Strategy Director of J. Walter Thompson, a renowned advertising agency, told us about a campaign they developed for ING. With this campaign, they won several awards at the Cannes Lions Festival 2016.
They worked together with different professionals throughout the field for 18 months on what they called; “The next Rembrandt. Using big data, they wanted to create the next painting that Rembrandt would have painted next. Microsoft, Delft University of Technology, the Mauritshuis and the Museum Het Rembrandthuis also collaborated with JWT on the initiative.

The first step of the process was analyzing all the paintings of Rembrandt. Each painting was scanned using 3D scans and digital files based on an in-depth learning algorithm to determine the painting style of the old master. Secondly, facial recognition software was designed to determine new facial features like the nose, mouth, eyes and ears. These features were based on the geometric proportions that Rembrandt used in his paintings. Next, a height map was designed to determine the thickness of the layers of paint that Rembrandt applied with his brush 347 years earlier Finally,the painting was brought to life using a 3D printer that printed 13 layers of paint based ink. A new Rembrandt, the portrait of a bearded, 17th-century man in a white collar and black hat was created “out of zero’s and ones“.

The opinions upon this campaign varied from “amazing and impressive” to “It still is a fake painting and Rembrandt would never have painted this”. Personally, I think this use of data is incredibly innovative and beautiful and I am curious to see where these types of innovations will take artwork in the future.

What do you think of the next Rembrandt?



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The Social Media Era of Advertising




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Social media is the latest platform for advertising, but it does not provide clear data regarding return on investments (ROI), a matter that marketers appear to be fixated on. However, is ROI really worth worrying about when using social media for marketing?

Until recently, the main forms of marketing were television, print, and radio. These are the traditional approaches. Up until now they have been the preferred marketing mediums because firms can predict the outcome using these methods and are able to rely on it more heavily because of its consistent past, but most importantly because firms are able to determine their ROI (Weinberg, 2011). However, social media is not able to generate ROI in dollar form, making way for uncertainty and generally leaving marketers uneasy because they do not know how well their campaign strategy is working; in comparison to what they are familiar with and what marketing budget to set for the future.

What Weinberg chooses to point out is that although the ROI for social media does not come in the form of dollars, it can be generated by social currency, which occurs from the relationship investment made by the company with its consumer. Unlike traditional methods, this can create long-term benefits rather than short, drastically saving costs since consumers on their platform comment, share, like brands’ social media posts, which all their friends will be able to see, giving the company exposure without them having to really work for it.

At the end of the day though, it falls down to how well the company markets itself (social mix), as different social media platforms are needed depending on the purpose and objective of the company (Weinberg, 2011). Not only, but in order to maintain this effective standard, mission control centers need to be set up to allow marketers to monitor activity on their social platforms, engage with customers, collect and analyze data received from these interactions and apply them to their business and improve. Therefore, if they wish to continue to grow, their customer activity must be noted and applied.

Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 8.45.25 PM

(Social Media Mix)

Hoffman shared very similar ideas in regards to firms needing to stop fixating on the traditional ROI, and instead measures customer’s social media investments because that is where the long-term benefits will come from (Hoffman, 2013). Hoffman focused on the 4 c’s: connections, creation, control and consumption, which are all coordinated by the consumer. It is up to the firm to ensure they stay up to date based on these four principles because it is the consumer that is exposing the brand to new audiences and most of all, the value of posting one simple tweet could prove to be of great worth to the company (Hoffman, 2010).

In 2008, technology company Cisco proved just how useful social media marketing has become. Instead of advertising their upcoming product launch on traditional platforms, they chose to solely focus on using social media. As a result, Cisco saved over $100,000, ninety times more people show up to the event than ever before, one thousand blog posts were published along with forty million other online comments and the event resulted in an award for Best Marketing (Hibbard, 2010).


  • Hibbard, C. 2010. Social Media Launch Saves Cisco $100,000.
  • Hoffman, D. L., and Fodor, M. 2010. Can you measure the ROI of your social media marketing? MIT Sloan Management Review 52(1) 41-49.
  • Weinberg, B. D., and Pehlivan, E. 2011. Social spending: Managing the social media mix. Business Horizons 54(3) 275–282.

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7 Steps to Successful Social Media Marketing




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Blog Post Inforgraphic

For this post, I decided to integrate two aspects of this course: application of a tool and external research on social media topics. I found an article in the MIT Sloan Management Review that discussed 7 steps that can help a brand reap greater rewards from their social media campaigns. I have summarized the findings of the report in an infographic, one of the tools discussed by presentation groups in our lecture.

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Social Media Power – The HeForShe Campaign




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Emma Watson, UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, delivered a speech on declaring the official launch of the HeForShe Campaign at United Nations Headquarters in New York on September 20, 2014. The HeForShe Campaign is led by UN Women and aims at “putting men at center of activism and dialogue to end persistent inequalities faced by women and girls around the world”.

The speech video was posted on Youtube through the HeForShe official Youtube channel. Only 4 days pass, the video already got more than 862,900 views on the channel, which means everyday the video reaches at least 200,000 people all over the world on average. What a big number! Since the video gets vrius online, other social media platforms of the HeForShe Campaign also get boosted a lot. According to the numbers sent out from Ogilvy, a famous PR agency in the world, HeForShe saw an 82% increase in Twitter followers within 24 hours of the Saturday launch, a 305% increase in Facebook likes, and a 3,500% increase in Instagram follower. It is a dramatic increase of social media attention in general on the HeForShe Campagin in such a short time period. It is also very interesting to see that all the social media platforms are quite connected in a sense that one platform’s attention can lead to another one and another one. Personally, I only found out this campaign few days ago after the Youtube video was posted. However, when I went to the HeForShe Facebook page, I found out that the page already joined Facebook since 8th March this year. In this sense, maybe Youtube Channel or video channels in general are more popular and easier to reach out audience than Facebook page?

After the HeForShe Youtube video goes virus online. More and more people, even celebrities participate in this movement. The most active platform so far is Twitter, every user can use #HeForShe to join the conversation and express their opinions on feminism. According to the blog posts from BuzzFeed, ELLE and PRNewser, celebrities such as Russell Crowe, Simon Pegg, Chris Colfer, Tom Hiddleston, Douglas Booth, Matthew Lewis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt all respond to Emma’s HeForShe Campaign, which boosts the whole Movement to a new peak level. Social media and halo effect are absolutely tightly attached with each other. On the one hand, celebrities use social media to promote certain images about themselves. While on the other hand, celebrities use their personal influences based on popularity to draw more social media attentions on certain issues. In this case, the participations of celebrities including Emma herself, also contributes to the partly success of social media promotions in my opinion.

So do you think Youtube Channel is more influencial than Facebook Page somehow? Or in this case, if Emma is not a popular celebrity in the first place, maybe the HeForShe will not even popular in the first place? Whether social meida is the key to success of the HeForShe Campaign launch? Share your thoughts with me. 😀








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Successful Marketing Campaigns on Social Media




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During class today we discussed about successful social media marketing campaigns like Starbucks, IKEA and Target Corp. By curiosity I started searching on the web looking for more social media campaign examples. There are a lot of awesome ideas about how to use social media for your company!

One of my favourite I want to share with you guys is from Dunkin’ Donuts.


I also found a funny commercial from Evian. This was a remarkable campaign, because most companies first air a commercial on TV and then post it later on the internet. Evian unleashed a funny viral video campaign online and it packed out really good! Their online campaign gained a huge amount of positive reactions on youtube. Now (or not anymore, because it’s ‘old’) you can see the commercial on TV.

Seeing this, it looks like online campaigns have more or less (or even more!) the same  effect than TV. And considering the fact that maybe the costs of using the internet is lower, do you think companies are going to use online campaigns instead of TV? Or will broadcasting on TV be just as attractive in the future? I hope the first one, than I can watch my programs without any disturbances of commercials!!

Ps. In my reaction I promised to post the commercial about dangers of chatting I referred to. Click here to see the youtube video! It’s a dutch commercial, so I hope the internationals among us understand the message of the video :-).

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