Should we start teaching coding since the first years of education?




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We live in a society where data and technology are everywhere and are becoming an essential part of our lives. Companies are using  big data in order to acquire competitive advantage and improve their process and products. Some observed benefit that data driven companies are enjoying compared to those who are not are:

  1. A likelihood 23 times higher to acquire new customers thanks data driven marketing campaign
  2. a profit increase of 8% 
  3. reduction of cost of 10% (keboola, 2019)

The demands from employer of coding and data analytics skills is skyrocketing. Glassdoor reported that eight of the top 25 jobs in the US are tech-based and require some level of coding proficiency. Similarly, a 2016 Burning Glass report found that the demand for roles such as data analyst is rising 12% than the market average (Nord Anglia 2020).

Reading this data one question came immediately to my mind. Since schools have a responsibility to provide students with all the tools and skills they need in order to succeed in their future should the educational system be more prone to the digital revolution and start teaching codes and data analytics since the first years of instruction? I personally believe that our educational system should empathize more the importance of those skills since the earlier age of our education.

When I started my master in Lisbon I had one  mandatory course that was about econometrics and data analytics. So, the first time I started learning coding was at 22 years old and I wish I could have started way before. During my bachelor in management in Padova I did not have the possibility to choose any elective course regarding those topics. Many italian business university still do not have a dedicated bachelor or master to business and data analyst. I believe every students in management , finance or economics nowadays should have at least a basic knowledge in coding and data analytics in order to be competitive in the job market in the future. Like with every other subject if we start to approach it since we are young it would be easier to learn it and master it.

Let me know what you think and how is the situation in your countries.

Keboola 2019 available at

Nord Anglia 2020 avaiable at

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