This is why there is a new European law for platforms




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There are 2 new laws proposed by the European Commission revolving digital services in the European Union. These laws are the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) (The Digital Services Act package, 2022). But why did the European Commission planned new laws? In this part, the digital services act will be discussed. The evolving environment and fundamental rights of the users are important when considering the effect of platforms.

Digitization and platforms are becoming more important in the daily lives of individuals. Individuals use platforms for shopping, communication and many other purposes. For users, higher transparency, pricing and better content are some of the benefits of digitization of various services. However, these emerging trends are not all coming up roses. Individuals can also be exposed to some issues that come with digitization. Examples are illegal trade, limitations on self-expression or discrimination. Because these issues are in contradiction with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (the same principle for which the GDPR is also developed), a new law is proposed to protect individuals, the Digital Services Act. By this law, platform owners obtain more responsibility for the content on the platform. The DSA requires organisations to have the right procedures at hand in order to deal with illegal content, such as fake news. An important note is that various “categories” of organisations revolving digital services or platforms have additional obligations. In order form the least obligations to most obligations, the categories of platforms are as follows: provider of intermediary services, hosting, online platforms and “very large online platforms” (Digital Services Act, 2021; PricewaterhouseCoopers, n.d.). An example of additional obligations is to allow conducting of external audits by authorities and crisis response. Moreover, the firms could be forced to share or be transparent about the algorithms used in advertising or recommendations systems. This creates more transparency for the users regarding online advertising.

To conclude, the Digital Service Act is developed for the increased risk of individuals online and on online platforms. The new law requires firms, dependent on their category, to implement processes to deal with illegal content and be transparent about algorithms and decision making.

In the opinion of the author, the new law will have an impact, but in small extent. The predicted trend of these new laws is similar to the GDPR. According to the GDPR, organisations may not process personal data unless an individual checks a box, which is often done without hesitation. The transparency of algorithms could be impactful, however most individuals are probably not focused on these decision-making processes. However, the GDPR did increase the recognized interest of privacy of European citizens. The DSA has the same opportunity regarding the risks of platforms and digitization and the increased power some platforms obtain in our daily lives.  


The Digital Services Act package. (2022, July 5). Shaping Europe’s Digital Future. Retrieved 27 September 2022, from

Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. (2021, November 25). EU-ministers akkoord met regelgeving voor digitale diensten en markten. Nieuwsbericht | Retrieved 27 September 2022, from–markten

PricewaterhouseCoopers. (n.d.). Grondige herziening van regels voor onlineplatforms. PwC. Retrieved 28 September 2022, from

Digital Services Act, (2021).

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No ratings yet. A lot of studies show different number on how many people are using dating site. One thing is for sure there are a lot of people using online dating platforms and the numbers keep increasing.

We are the first generation to have approximately 10+ years to be dating. Our grandparents were the first generation to get married to someone whom they loved. Now love alone is not enough if we can get love and compatibility (Tsaih, 2018). Bapna et al., (2016) proved that most married couples have similar characteristics. So it is no surprise that more and more people are using online dating platforms which makes it easier to find a match with similar characteristics. Anufriev (2018) even expects that the effectiveness and speed of the online dating services will improve due to the technological advances. Online dating services might get as important as social networks. I will provide three major trends at significantly change dating as we know it.

  • Genetics

Partners choose each other based on similar characteristics (bapna et al., 2016). Partners with similar DNA profiles are more likely to choose each other (Anufriev, 2018). This finding shows that matching based on DNA will be the future. It will also have implications of ensuring less birth with genetic mutations.

  • Physiology

Before the integrated of genetics, we will asses our partners on a physiological level. For example it is possible to integrate a heart monitor which reveals which partner gets your heart rate up. Also the use of Virtual Reality is also expected in online dating. The possibility to actually feel and experience the partner (Anufriev, 2018)

  • Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will provide intelligent algorithms which track the users’ activity within the application. The user will then be offered profiles of users with the best fit to his of her demand.

What are your insights on online dating and these future trends? Do you think online dating is the new way to go or do stick to the traditional methods of meeting you potential partner? Feel free to comment!


Author: 431453mt


Anufriev, N. (2018). Three major trends of the future of online dating – DateCoin – Medium. Retrieved from

Bapna, R., Ramaprasad, J., Shmueli, G., and Umyarov, A. (2016). One-way mirrors in online dating: A randomized field experiment. Management Science, 62(11), 3100-3122

Safronova, V. (2018). An Inside Look at Your Favorite Dating Sites. Retrieved from


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