Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) – The Organization Of The Future?




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written by Robin Fieseler, 14th of October 2022, 5min read

Table of content:

  1. The $50M ‘The DAO’ hack
  2. What is a DAO?
  3. Opportunities and Threats of a DAO
  4. Key Take aways
  5. References

1. The $50M ‘The DAO’ hack

Spring 2016, the world’s first decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) on Ethereum, ‘The DAO’, was created on a P2P network to be the first decentralized venture capital fund. The DAO raised $168M of individual investors. In June 2016, headlines all over the news stated that The DAO was hacked by $50M (Mehar et al. 2019).
Before the threats are unveiled, let’s start with a simple explanation and dive deeper into the crypto space. Afterwards you will learn what areas DAOs could affect and what opportunities a Dao can create. Finally, the threats of DAOs are discussed by unveiling what caused the hack.

2. What is a DAO?

A decentralized autonomous organization is internet-based globally operating collectives using resources together for a common and predefined goal (creating products or services). Everyone who invests in a DAO benefits from governance, i.e. reciprocal voting rights. This leads to a dehierarchisation. The DAO is a company with programmed rules, e.g. how to use the money or what happens with the money if the project fails. These rules are programmed as Smart Contracts resulting in an action as soon as the needed votes are reached. Everyone can raise new topics on which the DAO investors/members will reconcile (Welpe 2022).

What is DAO, Source:

Furthermore, it is stated that it could be a legal organization to acquire goods or art, to focus on a social goal or crowdfunding, functioning as an investment vehicle like The DAO or being a whole decentralized business. The last point could mainly focus on new businesses like start-ups. This example would look like: if a start-up wants to create a decentralized app, the DAO would be the company making the decisions with smart contracts about for example raising the money needed to pay salaries and decisions about the allocation of salaries (Welpe 2022).

3. Opportunities and Threats of a DAO

After understanding what a DAO is and in which area a DAO could operate, the following focus is on opportunities and threats. On the one hand, DAOs are part of the decentralized movement leading to the abolition of the intermediary. This leads to reduction in costs for not needing lawyers, banks etc. Focusing on investments, individuals might not be able to participate in funding due to minimal amount of money to invest (Wang et al. 2019). For example, a DAO called ConstitutionDao was founded and raised $3.5M to buy a rare copy of the U.S. constitution. Not having or wanting to invest that much money would mean there is no possibility to participate in the auction (Rachel Lerman 2021).

The threats incorporate security and privacy issues, and an unclear legal status. For this post the focus lies on the security. How does it come that in a decentralized (more secure) world, security is such a big issue. It comes by the nature of the blockchain itself. The blockchain stores the data openly accessible for everyone. But, if everyone can read the code of the contracts and the organization, then also everyone is able to find bugs. In the case of The DAO, a bug was identified in 2016 and immediately tried to be solved. However, everyone has the same amount of knowledge due to open access to the data. So, in this specific case an anonymous hacker group stole $50M due to a bug in the code. Moreover, a company is succeeding due to it’s unique selling proposition. Now imagine if the data is openly accessible for anyone. Anyone can just copy and paste the data and create a similar company. In reality, it is not as easy as juts pressing ctrl + c, but the threat still exists. Lastly, there is no legal status on DAOs meaning there is a lot of risks of new laws regulating or banning (Liu et al. 2021; Mehar et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2019).

4. Key Takeaways

To conclude, a DAO is the best way to eliminate the intermediary and invest collaboratively with
anonymous others with the same goal into projects. While the opportunities show that it economical
to reduce the intermediaries and gives opportunities to compete with hedge funds, the risks explain
why DAOs are more used as investment vehicles than actual companies. If you invest and use a DAO
as the vehicle, make sure the programmers who created the company know what they do.
For those of you who want to learn more about the hack now, click on the link to learn what a hard fork is, how The DAO programmers made sure people didn’t lose all their money and why we have Ethereum Classic today.

5. References

Liu, L., Zhou, S., Huang, H. et al. (2021), ‘From Technology to Society: An Overview of Blockchain-Based DAO’, IEEE Open J. Comput. Soc., 2: 204–215.

Mehar, M. I., Shier, C. L., Giambattista, A. et al. (2019), ‘Understanding a Revolutionary and Flawed Grand Experiment in Blockchain’, Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 21/1: 19–32, accessed 13 Oct 2022.

Rachel Lerman (2021), ‘A group of crypto enthusiasts lost out on the auction to buy a rare copy of the U.S. Constitution’, The Washington Post, 19 Nov <https://​​/​technology/​2021/​11/​18/​crypto-​dao-​constitution-​auction/​>, accessed 14 Oct 2022.

Wang, S., Ding, W., Li, J. et al. (2019), ‘Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Concept, Model, and Applications’, IEEE Trans. Comput. Soc. Syst., 6/5: 870–878.

Welpe, I. (2022), ‘#323: DAO – Modell der Zukunft?’, Podcast, Trends: NFT, Krypto, Web3 & Social Media, 14 Oct.

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The “Merge” killed Ethereum mining, what does this mean for other blockchains?




5/5 (1)

Ethereum is a popular cryptocurrency and is the second largest blockchain network after bitcoin. It distinguishes itself from bitcoin by being open source. In other words, anyone can use it to program a blockchain-based digital technology, several examples of the use of Ethereum are NFTs, decentralised finance and smart contracts.

Before the “Merge” Ethereum used a proof-of-work (PoW) concept, i.e. a group of participants would run software to prove that the encrypted number was valid – this process is called mining. For their contribution, these miners were rewarded in a cryptocurrency called Ether. The mining process required a large quantity of processing power from GPU, which intern, required large amounts of electricity. This process was, however, very profitable at the cost of the environment. One main criticism of blockchain was the huge amount of electricity required to keep up the network. In Ethereum’s case, it was 78 Terawatt hours each year, for comparison that is equivalent to the power consumption of Chile. Not always is this electricity sourced from green energy, often it comes from fossil fuel power plants (Howson, 2022).

To address the sustainability concern Ethereum moved to a proof-of-sake (PoS) model. This differs from mining in that the block creators previously known as miners now become validators. In short, the validators record the transactions, verify activity, and get paid with transaction fees. The cost of equipment and electricity is not a barrier to entry anymore and anyone with sufficient funds can become a validator. Energy-hungry GPU mining rigs have become obsolete as the new model does not require as complex decryption calculations as previously needed, this will cut emissions by 99% according to the conversation.

The move toward sustainability has pleased environmentalists and has sparked a movement to switch all blockchains from PoW to PoS to reduce their energy consumption. The Merge, however, left many crypto-miners disgruntled, with useless hardware. Second-hand GPU prices have dropped drastically since the “Merge” and Nvidia has announced to its investors, that they will hold back production of their newest GPU to avoid further GPU price crashes.


Howson, P., 2022. Ethereum: second biggest cryptocurrency to cut energy use by over 99%, but the industry still has a long way to go. [online] The Conversation. Available at: <’s%20second%2Dlargest,the%20power%20consumption%20of%20Chile.> [Accessed 17 September 2022].

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Technology of the Week – Will cryptocurrencies take over the world? (76)




5/5 (1) Today’s topic is the disruption of the current banking system. Within the current model, banks are involved in every transaction made. As a middle man, they have control over the process and usually charge a fee to carry out the transaction. Wouldn’t it be great to carry out a transaction between you and the other side of the world instantly and without transaction costs? With the introduction of the cryptocurrency, this has become a possibility. Let’s focus on two of the most popular cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology; the blockchain.


The Blockchain

The blockchain is a database that maintains an ever-growing list of records. These records are so called blocks. What is unique about the blockchain concept is that the database is distributed among every user of the blockchain. All these users have a copy of the same database, which is automatically updated around every 10 minutes. There is no user which has more information about the blocks than one another, therefore the blockchain has information symmetry.

Cryptocurrencies use this blockchain technology as an open and secure ledger of all transactions ever made. The blocks then contain information about the transactions, which will be authorized by miners. These miners are rewarded a small fee for their work.



Let’s illustrate how Bitcoin works. Every user of the Bitcoin has an own wallet, which exists out of 26-35 alphanumeric characters. When a transaction is made, the Bitcoins are transferred instantly to the other’s wallet, without the interference of a middle man. The transaction is verified by miners.

More about mining: (



Ether is another cryptocurrency based on the blockchain. Its decentralized system, known as Ethereum, can execute peer-to-peer contracts using the cryptocurrency ether. Currently, there has been interest in Ethereum from large firms like IBM, Microsoft and JPMorgan Chase to solve issues in various industries. The value of Ethereum is rising from 1 tot 12 dollars in 1 year. This relatively new currency is therefore a serious contender for a dominant cryptocurrency.


Bitcoin vs. Ethereum  






If we compare the pros and cons we see that the two cryptocurrencies both serve different purposes. Nonetheless, the question whether these cryptocurrencies will ultimately replace traditional money remains. Experts believe that the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum will only go up as it attracts more interest. This will also lead to a higher acceptance by (offline) merchants. However, the blockchain technology itself is the real innovation. Banks are gaining an interest in the technology for their own activities. So even if cryptocurrencies ultimately cease to exist, the blockchain will continue to thrive.

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