Tracking what you watch




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With current technologies evolving fast, more data is generated. However, data can be generated via channels you did not expect. In this article, I would like to tell you about one of the unknown ways that organisations are already tracking people. The technology that I would like to discuss is called ‘eye-tracking’.


What is eye-tracking?

Eye-tracking is the use of an advanced camera that measures our eye movements. It is the process of measuring where one is looking or the motion of the eye relative to the head. An eye-tracking camera is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movement. Eye trackers are used in research on the visual system, in psychology, in psycholinguistics, marketing, as an input device for human-computer interaction, and in product design.

 Image result for eye tracking

Why is eye-tracking on the rise?

One of the reasons that eye-tracking is on the rise, is because the cameras used for this technology are getting cheaper. There are eye-trackers available for 199 dollars. A few years ago, this was still a few thousand dollars. With lower prices, the technology becomes more accessible for use.

Data can be used by data analysts for user insights. Especially in marketing, this can have a big impact. Because companies are always looking for new ways to gather insights about their customers, it is interesting for them to experiment with eye-tracking. However, to really get a grasp of what eye-tracking can do, let us look at some use cases.


Use cases

I personally believe eye-tracking can revolutionizing our relationship with mobile devices. In the future, it will be possible to control your mobile device and surf the internet with your eyes. Another example where this might come in handy is healthcare. During operations, surgeons can not touch a computer due to hygiene. With this technology, this would be possible.

Gathering insights can also be revolutionized. Where websites now use Hotjar to create heatmaps of websites based on where you click, these heatmaps can now evolve to heatmaps based on information of your eye movement.

Eye-tracking can be used in mobility, to make sure drivers keep their eyes on the road. This can prevent accidents by alarming drivers to fall asleep behind the wheel.


With all these use cases, cheaper eye-trackers and evolving technology, I am curious to see what eye-tracking will bring in the future. How about you?



“Basics |      Eyetribe-Docs.” Theeyetribe.Com, 2014, Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.

Farnsworth, Bryn. “What Is Eye Tracking and How Does It Work? – IMotions.” IMotions, 2 Apr. 2019,

“Tobii Tech – What Is Eye Tracking?” Tobii.Com, 17 Sept. 2015, Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.

“What Is Eye Tracking?” Eyetracking.Com, 2011, Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.

“What Is Eye Tracking? How Is Eye Tracking Valuable in Research?” Tobiipro.Com, 6 Mar. 2018,

Wikipedia Contributors. “Eye Tracking.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Aug. 2019, Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.

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