What would you left when you die?




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Lately I was watching the Dutch program ‘Editie Nl’ in which they introduced a new application that can be used in combination with Facebook. With this app ‘Fast Will’, you can split up your belongings to your friends and family on Facebook for whenever you die. The item that you want to give to your friend of family member can only be seen by them. (Facebook will place it on the wall of this person)

I personally think it’s a bit shady.. I think death is not something that has to do with Facebook or anything that can be placed on the world wide web. The men who developed the app say it’s not shady at all. They want to make death into a subject that makes people talk with eachother. They think it’s beautiful to know if you get an boat or a bike of a friend if this friend will pass away. Off course, this app makes death more open to discussion, but I doubt if this is the new way of making up a testament.

In  the future the makers want to make it more professional, as it is not legal yet to make up your testament like this. (You still need to write it on paper, including a date and singature).

I was wondering if it is really possible to use this app in the future. Do you guys think that this can be the future? Or do you think that these ‘serious subjects’ do not have to be showed on Facebook?

This link shows the promotionvideo about the app: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/editienl/verdeel-je-erfenis-facebook


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