Electric shock when visiting Facebook




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Some people are addicted to social media sites, like facebook or twitter. To help you get rid of these addictions two MIT students developed a keyboard to shock you.

This keyboard delivers you a mild, but quite painful shock every time you visit your favorite site of social networking. The new technique is called the Pavlov Poke technique.

The two students named Dan McDuff and Robert R. Morris developed this keyboard because the social networking sites are very addictive. A study of the University of Chicago discovered that these sites are more addictive than alcohol and cigarettes.

In the video they explain that the keyboard shocks you every time you spend too much time on a website. The shock is not dangerous, but unpleasant. The shock last roughly 160 milliseconds.

If that isn’t extreme enough, they also developed a phone call that yells at you whenever you visit your favorite social networking site. The moment you visit the site, like Facebook your phone starts ringing. When you pick up your phone some random person start yelling at you why you are on Facebook.

In my opinion I would never purchase such a keyboard. The whole technique was more considered as a joke instead of a real solution for these kinds of habits. I think it’s a bit extreme to get a shock whenever you visit your favorite social networking site. But it could be effective! If I had such a keyboard, I would visit Facebook a lot less and focus more on my assignments!

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