Why facebook is againg offering billion for startup? Why the snapchat is refusing?




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After acquiring Instagram Facebook is looking for a new acquisition. Now according to news Facebook wants to buy snapchat. Another billion dollar company? Snapchat refused acquisition offer because guys from snapchat thinks that their startup is worth more. 

Is it a bubble or will it potentially be successful deal for Facebook? According to rough estimate of some experts growing phoro app snapchat is worth 3,6 billion of dollar. This is crazy cause they don´t have any revenue yet. In general pictures and photos seems to be cool. Pinterest is with a new investment valued to almost 4 billion US dollars. Do u think that this is new technological bubble or not?  

In snapchat almost 350 million of photo messages are send. Is anybody using snapchat? I think nowaday messaging is leaning more and more towards sending pictures. This app is very sexy especially for younger users. Facebook had problems with retaining young users on their site. Facebook is not that cool for them anymore. From that perspective this deal would make sence for facebook. 

Facebook was trying to something similar to snapchat. It was called Poke. Poke was not successful.

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