GoSpooky! How teenagers disrupt Snapchat marketing




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And again I missed an opportunity to become a millionaire! At the moment millions of people around the world are watching ‘snaps’. For the elderly amongst us (>25): a snap is a photo/video on Snapchat. Snapchat started five years ago as a joke of a few students at Stanford, but today it’s one of the most popular mobile apps among the youth. A unique feature of this app is that snaps are only temporarily available. Snapchat is currently preparing for an IPO that is expected to value the company at $25 billion! That’s even more than for example Facebook ($16 billion) and Twitter ($18 billion).

But how can companies make use of Snapchat? This platform is particularly interesting, because it enables (big) companies to reach teenagers, a target group which barely uses traditional media (e.g. TV, newspapers). But these companies have a problem: they have no idea of how to run a campaign on Snapchat. Two Dutch boys (Tim, 18 and Liam, 19) jumped into this gap and started a company called GoSpooky: the first Snapchat marketing agency in Europe. GoSpooky creates Snapchat campaigns and strategies for advertisers. These lads expect a turnover of €150.000 for 2016 thanks to campaigns for e.g. ABN-Amro, Hema and Albert Heijn.

You might think that their young age is a disadvantage in doing business, but I have some bad news for you guys (BIM/marketing students). According to these chaps, graduates who begin with their job at a big company are chocked up with theories and models. Moreover, they are often not familiar with Snapchat (unless they learned it from their little brother/sister). A mistake that is often made by big companies is that they want to run the exact same campaign on all platforms, but it’s not a bad idea to do it slightly different on Snapchat. It is important to tell a story and to keep it personal.

We can conclude that Snapchat is one of the most interesting platforms of this time. It offers new opportunities for advertisers and the boys of GoSpooky did a great job by taking advantage of this knowledge gap.






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