GPShopping, the new future or hopeless advertising?




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GPShopping is a new invention that is created to give you advertisements which are located near you. With use of the GPS system in your phone you will be tracked down and if you walk near a shop, it will automatically send some advertisementsto your mobile phone.


This invention is the latest update of wireless technology and can be very usefull. It probably gets an on and off button so people who don’t want to be disturbed by these advertisements won’t have to see them.

This invention can offer you much more. The shops are able to offer you anything if you are near the store. They can give you mobile coupons, discount, a welcome message, see videos, see your discount points and many more things. Shops also can use this GPS system to count their visitors in store and compare them with the sales. There are so many things to learn about the customers while tracking them down.

What do you guys think? We all agreed in class that we don’t want to see any more advertisements and stuff, but is this a good replacement? Is this something you would like when you walk through the shopping mall?

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