The future of content on demand: blockchain




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Blockchain, a phenomenon that caused several hypes including decentralized finance and the ownership with NFTs. However, a new hype is rising around content on demand. Through augmented reality and artificial intelligence, the experience of online content is taken to another level. It is used to create content that best suits the audience of the creator. The question that rises is what system is challenging the creator to create what the watchers like?

The problem of today’s social media platforms

You might relate to it, scrolling through your Instagram and seeing photos and videos that are quite similar to content of other creators. Often times creators think that specific content is a good fit for the viewer’s wishes as other creators are also making that content, while the viewer wants to see other things that are unique. For a lot of creators on platforms as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok it is difficult to set up a good revenue model. This because of the fact that creators are constantly dealing with trust issues. For instance, a YouTuber gets a request to create content but the question is who takes the first step? Is it the YouTuber that first makes the shots and receives money afterwards or does the YouTuber get the money beforehand. These questions were there for a long time, though the social media platforms waited too long with doing innovations on this subject, which will put them one step behind on the rising hype of blockchain.

The new hype of content creation

But what does blockchain have in common with creating content? Well, the technology behind this phenomenon is that you do not need permission from a third party and it is transparent. As it is programmable, you can set your own conditions regarding the payments, which are verifiable as well. This results in the fact that the creator and client are on the same level and no third party is arranging the transaction. What does that mean for the industry of content creation? With the use of blockchain, it is possible as a client to make specific requests related to content by their favorite creators. For example, you see that your favorite creator is traveling to Bali. You as a client can ask the creator to take a picture of something specific and you pay for it, in tokens. This results in greater interaction between the client and content creator.

In short, blockchain is not only the future of banking and ownership with NFTs, but also the future of content on demand. With blockchain, we will only see content that fits perfectly with our demand. But for now, it is still an expecting hype. We have to see what the future holds for us.


Hancock, J. (2020). Blockchain application for content creators. Medium.

Investopedia. (2020). How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Content Distribution.

Urrutia, K. (2021). How Blockchain is Affecting Content Creators on Social Media. Voy.

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E-health: hype or revolution?




5/5 (1) In a couple years healthcare will change revolutionary. Big hospitals will disappear. At least, that is what the Dutch minister Edith Schippers and State Secretary Martin van Rijn claim. Apart from new medical complaints like ‘tablet-neck’, ‘iPad-wrist’, ‘WhatsApp-thumb’ and ‘selfie-elbow’, there is another development going on which is called e-health. E-health is explained as the use of technology to support or improve health and healthcare. As a consequence of e-health, patients will be able to control their health and there are more advantages.



First of all, healthcare will be closer to patients as e-health provides solutions like an online patient portal where they can make appointments, see their research results and medical and medication information. They can also e-mail questions to their doctor or nurse. Secondly, e-health will reduce costs. This is as a result of the first advantage. Because of the quicker access to your medical information and easier contact with doctors, it will save a lot of time and visits to the hospital. Thirdly, it will be easier for patients to monitor their health themselves and therefore be more independent.



E- health will stimulate the use of smartphones and other electronic devices, whereas this causes medical complaints as mentioned in the introduction. For this reason, it might be better to put smartphones away more often and just enjoy the ‘real’ world. Secondly, only 16% of the patients are using these new possibility of requesting their medicines online and solely 3% asks questions online according to the e-health Monitor 2016 of research institutions Nictiz and Nivel. So a lot of patients are not even able to find their ‘digital doctor’ and the ones that do find the new online possibilities say it’s not user friendly.

Furthermore, it will be dangerous for the health of patients if digital records are transferred in a bad way, like medication overviews which are not up to date. There is a serious problem here, because the computer systems are not connecting to one another. Lastly, the digital healthcare market is a growing market where billions are circulating, however it is not even sure if e-health is really going to improve healthcare and make it cheaper.


Concluding, there has to be done a lot more of testing and research regarding e-health before it will become a real revolution instead of a hype.



Zorgvisie. (2016). Zorgvisie – E-health dossier. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct. 2016]. (2016). ‘Zo’n e-consult vind ik het handigste dat er is’. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct. 2016].

Haks, K. (2016). Smartphonestress. FysioPraxis, (9), p.3. (2016). E-health: hype of zorgrevolutie?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct. 2016]. (2016). Patiënt komt niet bij digidokter. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Oct. 2016].

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