Get rich with IndieGoGo




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No money to realize your biggest dream? I’m talking about recording a music album, creating a real movie or what so ever! The website IndieGoGo  can help you with that. Their core believe is that everyone should have the opportunity to raise money. All you have to do is create a campaign around the goal you need money for. Tell people what you are doing, how they can help and what unique perks they’ll get for becoming contributors.

IndieGoGo helps you spread the word about your campaign with a unique algorithm we call the GoGofactor. Use our powerful social media tools when you launch your funding campaign and start sharing, tweeting, and encouraging people to ‘like’ your campaign to boost your gogofactor. Indiegogo is free to join. There is a fee on any money that is raised, which is 4% of the money you raise if you meet your goal or 9% if you do not meet your goal.

Forget knocking on people’s door and to beg for money (as these campaigns can also be used for a good cause and charities).

Do you think this will be the new way of raising money in the future? Then go and take a look over at

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