Instagram, ads you may ‘like’




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October 3th Instagram announced that they wanted to start with ads very soon. 


‘Shit, another social medium with those annoying ads’, you may think (if you’re even on it).  But Instagram is far more user friendly  than any other social media platform. On Instagram you’ll be able to hide ads you dislike and if you’re feeling crazy you can even provide feedback to Instagram why you didn’t like that ad.

Second positive point is the fact that Instagram is starting slow, they’re gradually adding sponsored pictures to your timeline from now on. So you have time to get used to it. 


On the other hand, Instagram is a Facebook company now (damn), so when you’re being very honest in what kind  of ads you like, they are in the position to get to know even more about you than they already do right now. Huge downside I think. 


Yesterday Instagram gave a few examples of how these ads will look like. I will show you guys one:



Looks pretty good right? Don’t know if I would like it but it wouldn’t bother me that much. 

People are making use of Instagram, for free, so using some discrete ads to show they’re worth their one billion dollars isn’t such a unreasonable idea I think.

Thanks for reading. Thoughts about these Instagram ads are welcome in the comment section;)


P.S @tingli sorry for posting during lecture and – even worse – not attending lecture. Had to get some vaccinations today for a trip to Thailand next month…



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