Using GenAI as a Teacher (2/2)




ChatGPT is a good writer. It is a better teacher!

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In part one of this series (find it here) I have already outlined why it’s a good idea to use ChatGPT as a teacher. But how can you use ChatGPT to aid you in learning? It’s all about packaging your individual needs into prompts. So, think first about how you can learn best. As for me, I like to get bullet point lists and definitions. Here are a few examples of my favorite prompts:

If you’re completely new to a subject:

  • Imagine you are “expert in the field”. Explain “topic” to me on “high school/university/expert” level. Use bullet points.
    • Imagine you are John McAffee. Explain cybersecurity to me on high school level. Use bullet points.

If you are already familiar but lack clarity on how different things connect:

  • In “field you are learning”, explain “level of detail” of “topic you learn” via “keywords you know should be in the explanation”.
    • In software engineering, explain the basics of agile development to me via sprints, scrum, and scope. Use bullet points.

If you have similar but different words but cannot find a good explanation anywhere:

  • In “field you are learning”, what is the difference between “X, Y and Z”?
    • In statistics, what is the difference between errors, residuals, and variance?

ChatGPT is also good for reading. Imagine you have a long text to read and cannot get a glimpse on what it’s about. You can copy/paste the text into ChatGPT and tell it the following prompt:

  • Summarize the key points of the given text in ten bullet points.

Let’s say ChatGPT gives you six distinct bullet points but four are kind of vague or around the same subject. Then you repeat the prompt but make it six bullet points. If the result is six concise bullet points, you get the idea of the text. Finally, you should still read the whole text with this understanding in mind (you will likely still find valuable new information in the text).

There you have it! Now you can use ChatGPT as your personal teacher. I hope you learned something and wish you great success!

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Using GenAI as a Teacher (1/2)




ChatGPT is a good writer. It is a better teacher!

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It is a common theme that students use generative AI, most prominently ChatGPT, as a short-cut to generate content for written assignments. While this straight-forward application of the given resources to “get done as soon as possible” may be useful in the short-term, of course it’s no way to actually learn something in the end (aside from also conducting plagiarism). In the long-term, digital dementia is looming, which is a phenomenon that describes people who became more forgetful because they could google what they need anytime. Now with GenAI, the ability to create original thought and overall creativity are in peril, too. Imagine where we would end up if we outsourced all our creative work and thinking processes to AI for just two years.

So, why don’t we take a step back and use ChatGPT’s ability to explain any topic exactly in the way that we need it to, to our personal advantage? It may be a great writer, but it’s a better teacher. I have been using ChatGPT in this way for a while now and I can tell you: Using ChatGPT as a teacher, rather than a substitute, elevates our own understanding and enables us to learn better, leading to added value both for ourselves and our assignments or jobs. It can increase our understanding before we write any assignment ourselves(!), with our own knowledge. This way, we can also use ChatGPT to understand and learn any topic!

There are multiple ways to use ChatGPT as a teacher and overall learning aid. The most obvious one is having it summarize a long text that you have to read or having it explain a concept to you. In any case, specific prompts will help. Both of these use cases will be discussed further in part 2 of this blog series (find it here).

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The Metaverse’s Disruptive Impact on Cultural Experience: The Aquarium of Paris and its Jellyfish NFT Collection (2/2)




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In the last post, I talked about the aquarium de Paris and their jellyfish NFT collection. In this post the focus will be more on the interaction between the creator and the consumer, and I will share my thoughts on how I think emerging technologies can help cultural experiences reach more people and increase engagement.

As mentioned in the last post, people can buy the jellyfish NFT’s. By owning these NFTs they can be more educated on jellyfish as the NFTs are scientific replicas of the real jellyfish project (Aquarium de Paris – Metaseum, n.d.). Additionally, the NFTs also have perks to them such as unlimited and free access to the aquarium and in-store discounts. Additionally they are invited to VIP events and earn access and invitation to events such as the arrival of the polyps of the purchased species or to the establishments night club (Desk, 2022). All of these initiatives makes it possible to create a web3 community for people interested in the marine world, web3, and art enthusiasts. This way, the aquarium is able to interact more with their visitors and create a strong community. They even take this to a next level by opening their doors in the near future in the metaverse (Desk, 2022). In here, there will be even more possibilities to let people interact with the aquarium and make the cultural experience more widely accessible (Gursoy et al., 2022).. In this metaverse aquarium there are no limits and visitors can swim in an aquarium, run through the corridors, or even interact with artwork (Desk, 2022).  

Personally, I think that the metaverse, NFTs and other emerging technologies are a great way to stimulate people to experience culture. A new community is created which is more widely accessible for people. Additionally, I think that people will be more motivated to learn about culture when there is more interaction present, as it has been proven that interaction is a great way of learning (Dahan et al., 2022). This can be done through the extra perks of NFTs, the limitless online world, but also through the learn to earn principle, where visitors will learn to earn crypto currency, which is reusable in the metaverse. However, I am unsure about whether this virtual experience can completely take over the real world experience of experiencing culture. Also, I don’t think the use of emerging technologies should be the goal, instead they should be the means to the goal of offering a wide range of people a cultural experience.


Aquarium de Paris—Metaseum. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2023, from

Dahan, N. A., Al-Razgan, M., Al-Laith, A., Alsoufi, M. A., Al-Asaly, M. S., & Alfakih, T. (2022). Metaverse Framework: A Case Study on E-Learning Environment (ELEM). Electronics, 11(10), 1616.

Desk, A. P. (2022, December 9). The Aquarium de Paris and Metaseum launch the world’s first scientifically accurate NFT collection. AlexaBlockchain.

Gursoy, D., Malodia, S., & Dhir, A. (2022). The metaverse in the hospitality and tourism industry: An overview of current trends and future research directions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 31(5), 527–534.

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