A Social Media powered car?




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It’s official. I’ve seen it all! I can die happy now.


Apparently, teenagers these days don’t have enough entertaining tasks to perform, so they decided to build a vehicle that runs on social media shares, likes and mentions. Human creativity never ceases to amaze me. I still can’t decide if all the whacky inventors out there are pure geniuses or incredibly bored individuals. Either way, paint me fascinated.

Now, I’m no engineer. I’ve never been behind the steering wheel and I don’t have the slightest clue how a car works, but from my limited understanding, these teens made it so a battery is hooked to the car, which is also hooked to a tablet. Every time someone “likes” their Minddrive organization’s Facebook page, shares something on Twitter or Facebook or simply mentions it, it sends a signal with slowly charges the car’s battery allowing it to run for a little while. The plan being to make it from point A to point B by being powered by shares and likes, without crashing into a tree.

I knew social media had a huge impact on our daily lives, but this is beyond insane. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s awesome, but I still don’t have my damn flying cars and my jetpack. I shall demand them in every single blog I make, regardless of how many Facebook powered vehicles these bright students create.

Granted, their project is nothing revolutionary. It’s simply an electric car that gets charged the same old way, just slower and on cue. However, the creativity behind the idea is almost as brilliant as social media itself. If anything, it shows us that in today’s modern age, young people’s minds are working like clockwork, twenty-four-seven, always coming up with new ideas and helping us all evolve, at least mentally. And all of this is triggered by social media. The only question is: what’s next?

It better be flying cars and jet packs.






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