The power of process mining in improving business processes




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What is process mining?

Process Mining is a technique where organisations gather transactional data from the activity/event logs of their (ERP) systems in order to gain an objective view of how their business processes are operating and how they could be improved (White, 2020). Process mining has been used effectively to analyse the current state of business processes, to determine areas for improvement, and to evaluate the improvement outcomes. Besides, the technique helps companies to develop an in-depth understanding of the underlying causes, as well as the effect they have on their Key Performance Indicators (Davenport and Spanyi, 2022).


There are different tools available for process mining, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most popular tools include Disco, ProM, Celonis, and SAP Signavio. With these process mining tools, organisations can shift from the confidence-based approach to Business Process Management (BPM) and progress towards the data-driven approach, basing their changes on live factual data.

Process mining tools really take advantage of the data mining concept in particular in order to find concrete answers to questions regarding any identified challenges or situations within companies. However, compared to process mining, data mining does not give a complete picture of a business process, including bottlenecks. In contrast, process mining allows business users to retrieve visual process maps and models of their processes from the company’s data and enhance those process overviews/maps and models to reveal the inefficiencies, sources of delays, rework, and defects, and other operational pain points leading to an inefficient process.

How process mining can improve business processes

Source: (Becker, 2022)

Together, activity and process mining can provide a comprehensive view of the company’s processes, and help to identify opportunities for improvement, for example, on customer support, financial, HR, or supply chain processes. Using machine learning algorithms, process mining tools calculate combinations of various attributes and conduct root-cause analyses, which helps to detect operational inefficiencies. After the analysis, it can help assist in improving the business’ efficiency and can help organisations reduce costs and improve performance by identifying root causes for poor-performing processes, uncovering, and visualising compliance violations, monitoring processes, and anticipating problems. Once the improvements needed and actions needed are identified for the organisation from the results, process mining also provides the means for easy monitoring the effects of changes to the business processes (Raiola, 2021). 

To conclude, by mining data from event logs of (ERP) systems, instead of using interviews and estimations, process mining uncovers where workarounds, shadow processes, bottlenecks, and compliance issues are occurring, and plays a crucial role in improving business operations and risk reduction.


As process mining is still somewhat new and companies have difficulties understanding and identifying its value, it will not be adopted much in the coming five years, even though, there are successful use cases in which it has helped reducing resources. However, as it carries a lot of potential and more companies are starting to become data-driven and focus on their big data, I think that this methodology will be used more in the following ten years.


Becker, R., 2022. What is process mining and how does it work?. [online] SEEBURGER Blog. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2022].

Davenport, T. and Spanyi, A., 2022. What Process Mining Is, and Why Companies Should Do It. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2022].

Raiola, R., 2022. How to improve business processes using process mining. [online] MEGA. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2022].

White, S., 2022. What is process mining? Refining business processes with data analytics. [online] CIO. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2022].

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Technology of the Week – Will cryptocurrencies take over the world? (76)




5/5 (1) Today’s topic is the disruption of the current banking system. Within the current model, banks are involved in every transaction made. As a middle man, they have control over the process and usually charge a fee to carry out the transaction. Wouldn’t it be great to carry out a transaction between you and the other side of the world instantly and without transaction costs? With the introduction of the cryptocurrency, this has become a possibility. Let’s focus on two of the most popular cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology; the blockchain.


The Blockchain

The blockchain is a database that maintains an ever-growing list of records. These records are so called blocks. What is unique about the blockchain concept is that the database is distributed among every user of the blockchain. All these users have a copy of the same database, which is automatically updated around every 10 minutes. There is no user which has more information about the blocks than one another, therefore the blockchain has information symmetry.

Cryptocurrencies use this blockchain technology as an open and secure ledger of all transactions ever made. The blocks then contain information about the transactions, which will be authorized by miners. These miners are rewarded a small fee for their work.



Let’s illustrate how Bitcoin works. Every user of the Bitcoin has an own wallet, which exists out of 26-35 alphanumeric characters. When a transaction is made, the Bitcoins are transferred instantly to the other’s wallet, without the interference of a middle man. The transaction is verified by miners.

More about mining: (



Ether is another cryptocurrency based on the blockchain. Its decentralized system, known as Ethereum, can execute peer-to-peer contracts using the cryptocurrency ether. Currently, there has been interest in Ethereum from large firms like IBM, Microsoft and JPMorgan Chase to solve issues in various industries. The value of Ethereum is rising from 1 tot 12 dollars in 1 year. This relatively new currency is therefore a serious contender for a dominant cryptocurrency.


Bitcoin vs. Ethereum  






If we compare the pros and cons we see that the two cryptocurrencies both serve different purposes. Nonetheless, the question whether these cryptocurrencies will ultimately replace traditional money remains. Experts believe that the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum will only go up as it attracts more interest. This will also lead to a higher acceptance by (offline) merchants. However, the blockchain technology itself is the real innovation. Banks are gaining an interest in the technology for their own activities. So even if cryptocurrencies ultimately cease to exist, the blockchain will continue to thrive.

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Is mining Bitcoins worth it?




5/5 (1) The legend says it all started in October 2007, when Satoshi Nakamoto published the whitepaper of the Bitcoin on the internet. In 2008 Bitcoin software was released and the Genesis block, block 0, was ‘mined’. Finally, on 9 January 2009, the first version of the Bitcoin was released. It included a Bitcoin generation system that would create a total of 21 million Bitcoins through the year 2040. So what is this mining? More important, is mining Bitcoins worth it for you and me?

The Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency or digital currency. There are just two ways to get Bitcoins. Either buying them for traditional valuta or mining them yourself. Mining Bitcoins serves only one purpose. Authorizing Bitcoin transactions made in a certain period. The miners prevent Bitcoin users from spending their coins multiple times or committing fraud in a different way. Afterwards, the miners will be rewarded in Bitcoins.

So how does this mining work?

Everyone with a PC or a laptop can mine Bitcoins. In the beginning, miners used the processor in their computers to mine Bitcoins. After a while, they noticed that video cards of gaming PC’s were much better suited for the mining process. The video card will use it’s power to solve difficult math problems ( Hash’s) that authorize the transaction made between Bitcoin users. To start mining, you’ll need three things.

  • Mining hardware (high-end video card)
  • Mining software (downloadable for free)
  • Mining account

After you meet these requirements you can start mining. Mining has become more difficult the last few years, for several reasons. First, you got ‘The Bitcoin halving’. Bitcoin’s code commands that every 210,000 blocks, the number of new bitcoins created is cut in half. (Coinjournal, 2016). When Bitcoin was launched in 2009, miners were rewarded with 50 bitcoins per block. The second era started in November 2012, reducing the number of bitcoins earned to 25. The third era started in July this year, reducing the number of bitcoins to 12.5 per block. The second reason  is that the number of miners keeps increasing. How more miners, how smaller the chance you’ll solve the math problem and earn the Bitcoins.

So is mining Bitcoins worth it for you and me?

Mining has become a serious business in the last few years. The value of the bitcoin increased from $0.04 in 2012 to around $600 today. There are several huge mining rigs which are just built for mining Bitcoins. We’re talking about warehouses with thousands of video cards, million dollar investments and a lot of dedication. They use hundreds of thousands of dollars of electricity each month and only a few manage to mine efficiently. In the documentary ‘Het Bitcoin Evangelie’, there is an owner of such bitcoin mine who talks freely about his mine. (I’ll post the link below) Currently, it is barely profitable for individuals to earn money with Bitcoin mining with a single setup. A possibility is to join a mining pool, which is a group of individuals who mine together. Still, within this group, you will just earn a few dollars if you got a thousand dollar video card.

Conclusion: Mining Bitcoins as an individual with a gaming PC will only earn you a few dollars a day, even if you are within a mining pool. There are too many high-end players on the market with high-tech setups. You can compare it with the regular mining process. An individual can go mine for gold with his pickaxe but probably won’t succeed. If you group with 10 miners you will have more success, but there will always big mining organization who got the equipment to mine way more than you’ll be able to do as an individual. My advice: don’t start mining unless you are you really dedicated.

If you have any questions/comments, please share them!



More information about the Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining:

To fully understand the Bitcoin mining concept, I’ll share the next 2-minute explanation video. Credits to

Documentary about the Bitcoin (partly Dutch). 35:40 Is about the owner of a huge mining company



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