The new Nintendo console: Will Nintendo be able to reinvent gaming again?




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The new Nintendo console: Will Nintendo be able to reinvent gaming again?

Nintendo’s original Wii console was one of the best performing consoles ever. It introduced a whole new audience to gaming, and it revolutionized gaming with its motion controls. After this very successful very console Nintendo had a rough few years, with its disastrous performing Wii U console. Whereas the Wii revolutionized the gaming industry, the Wii U was a step back. As mobile gaming and tablets changed the landscape of the gaming industry, Nintendo was trying to stay ahead of this by promising a optional portable console, which ended up being very lackluster as you were still limited to your living room. The fact that the Wii U performed so bad caused for a lot of operational losses, and forced Nintendo to redefine themselves.

Nintendo introduced its new on October 20th, 2016: the Nintendo Switch, and as it looks like, its trying to redefine the way everyone games again. It also looks like that Nintendo will be focusing more on their ‘portable’ products, as this seems to be Nintendo’s best performing side. The Nintendo DS has always performed well, and Nintendo’s first mobile game Pokemon go was a huge succes. The new Nintendo Switch console spans between a home console, and portability, as you have the option to ‘switch’ between a stationary living room console by attaching it to your TV, and the option to detach it from your TV and bringing it with you.

This however brings up the question: will this redefine the way we game again? or is the ability to switch between portability and stationary gaming just a gimmick where nobody is really interested in. Maybe the market is so used to play games on a mobile device or tablet, where there’s no more room for another portable system besides the Nintendo DS.

There is still a lot to be known about this console, as only a trailer has been released. The first images however have me excited, and if this console follows the trend of Nintendo’s succes regarding their mobiles games and devices, this could turn out to be a big succes as well.


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