Sweat and Pixels II: Augmenting, Not Replacing Personal Trainers




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In my previous contribution to this blog, “Sweat and Pixels: Is ChatGPT the New Personal Trainer?”, I discussed the potential of generative AI in disrupting the fitness industry, specifically personal trainer related tasks. Experimenting with AI-generated training schedules, and their ability to incorporate progression from users. While it showed a lot of potential, and it’s positive contribution to the fitness world was recognized by multiple readers. The personal trainer’s motivational role was located as unreplaceable. That is why in this post, I will explore the possibility of AI working together with Personal Trainers, combining the best of both worlds.

AI-Assisted Training

A fitness industry without some form of AI or digital systems is unthinkable. From smartwatches, to for instance, Tempo, a smart home gym that uses computer vision (Garun, 2020). AI services a function and has been integrated in most tools linked to fitness. Assisting users on their fitness journey.

The Personal Trainer’s Role in the Digital World

One of the key questions posted in the previous discussion was whether or not personal trainers were still useful? The conclusion was, and is, that while some tasks are ready to be replaced by GenAI systems, others are not. Tasks that include some aspect of motivation and/or emotion still require a humans (e.g. personal trainers) involvement.

Best of Both Worlds

Instead of letting the user choose one, it might be in a personal trainer’s best interest to adopt to the digital era and adjust their daily operations and tasks. Making a shift towards an AI enhanced personal trainer experience, which could contribute to the following points:

As discussed in the previous post, GenAI is an excellent tool that is capable of generating quick, clear, and personalised training schedules. This would allow trainers to develop a base schedule with minimal information and a couple of clicks.

The time that is won by automating the easier tasks, personal trainers can focus their attention to more personalised in-person coaching and motivating their clients.

The Future of Personal Training

While the world digitalizing, industries are changing and need to adapt accordingly. The fitness industry, specifically personal training is one of them. While the industry might not be replaced by (Generative) AI, it can be augmented by (Generative) AI. In my opinion I think the use of (Generative) AI could improve trainers’ tasks by making their time more efficient and well spend, and might become mandatory to stay relevant. Enabling trainers to focus more on personalization and motivational aspects of their job and letting AI handle the automatable parts. Let me know what you think, will the combination be the future, or do you think we could be better of with just AI/Personal trainers?


    Garun, N. (2020, February 26). Tempo is a smart home gym that uses computer vision to track your form in real time. The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/26/21154185/tempo-smart-home-gym-kinect-computer-vision-ai-form-correction

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