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Hi! Many people post blogs with concerns towards the privacy of people on the Internet (like the LinkedIn post) and this video I saw a year ago sums up my thoughts on the subject. I think it’s all about a mindset, when you become aware that everything you put on the Internet is “one click away” for everyone who is more tech-savvy you just consent to what is happening and you work your way around it. No PayPal account until you really need one, no drunken pics on Facebook, no personal information shared on anything that uses Internet. It’s not about being scared to death of someone stealing your information, just put it on with caution.

I’m not saying it’s right to use the information people have, but this is how it has always been! Because Internet connects. It shares. It’s available to “everyone”. You information is by now not on one or two servers. Sites of anti-terrorist campaigns have been removed, but if you have the skills you can still find them “out there”, online.

I thought this is a very powerful video that shows the reality of the Internet.

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