Terrorism using Social Media




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Social media is often used by companies for adverting or sharing new information with the world. It gives companies access to the global world, instead of the local areas. The global accessibility of social media van be seen as a big advantage, but also as a disadvantage. What to think about terrorism, which uses social media platform in order to share their thoughts about the world.

The use of social media by terrorists was also recognized by Robert Hannigan, the head of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarter). He gave a several examples which were used by terrorists in order to spread their ideas or covering their identities. Terrorists now have access to encryption tools, which they use to cover their identities.

Isis uses many social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr. They share their ideas and even videos of prisoners who are getting tortured or killed. Even blocking these terrorists account does not help, because Isis uses thousands accounts in order to be always online and active on social media. This problem has even been on the CNN News where they have discussed about Twitter which has been used multiple times by terrorist to spread their message.


Even Al-Qaeda is using social media platforms in order to influence other people to follow their thoughts or by sending manipulative texts or images. There is a slight different between the use of social media by Al-Qaeda and Isis. Isis has more a directive approach by even sending beheading videos to the world.

The use of social media as a marketing tool for companies and government is a well known example, but what can we do to stop or minimize the use of social media by terrorists. Only by blocking accounts of terrorist we won’t stop terrorism, because it’s easy to make another account. Should some social media platform block their platform for certain countries? Another solution could be by making some social media platforms more personal by asking for your passport numbers for example. It sounds crazy but you could minimize the use of social media by terrorism through this action. What other ideas do you have to solve or minimize this problem?


(http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/11207681/How-terrorists-are-using-social-media.html, 04 November 2014)

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Shocking pictures on social media




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On social media platforms you come across shocking images. Some worse than the other, but there are a few pictures that took over the world. These were so shocking that many people shared them online.

The first photo was taken in New Delhi, India. It’s a shocking image of a young woman pointing a gun at the head of a young child. The persons on the photo are unknown, but have been shared over a hundred times on social media. The photo came online in august web users are trying to identify the pair to alert the authorities.

The picture does not show if the gun is real or just a toy gun. It may not be more than just a foolish moment. We can only speculate what may be the truth.


The second photo shows a man with a gun next to a dead elephant. It was the CEO of the GoDaddy group in America, named Bob Parsons. The web was in shock after seeing this picture and a video Bob released of him shooting an elephant. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) responded by shutting down its GoDaddy account. Outraged customers also shutted down their account by the tens of thousands. GoDaddy now has a new CEO, named Warren Adelman.


Another shocking story that made the head of the newspapers is about congressman Anthony Weiner. He tweeted a photo of himself in underwear to a college student named Gennette Cordova. Initially he claimed his tweeter account was hacked, but because of the great commotion he had to resign.


This photo shows tweets from FOX and NBC tweeting that president Obama has been assassinated and that ground zero had been attacked. Both networks were hacked by the hacking group Skript Kiddies. FOX and NBC quickly removed the tweets.


As you can see there a many examples of shocking pictures on social media. These platforms create a superfast communication between thousands of people. An innocent message meant for one person can reach to millions. I think you definitely should think twice before you post something on the Internet, especially when you have a high position in society. People judge quickly and your career can be ruined as you can see in example three.

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