Social Commerce. Dropbox versus Tradepal




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For my homework assignment of week 2, I was able to delve deeper into the concept of social commerce, and explore two interesting examples of my choice.
I chose to look at the ever-popular Dropbox which has turned group work and file storage as well as saving into a breeze. I decided to compare it to Tradepal, a site I was not familiar with at first but I found the concept interesting. [Videos can be found below]
The main findings I came across was that anything that is free and well advertised makes users more compelled to the site. The concept of freeconomics can be applied here as with Dropbox for instance, the initial space is free, but as soon as you want more, an additional fee is required. However, with Dropbox’s promotional content advertising opportunities to gain free space, users share Dropbox’s posts entitling the users to more free space whilst inviting new people to use the service.
With Tradepal, increased sense of security and comfort when trading, selling or buying ones products, users share the items on Facebook allowing a different kind word-of-mouth which in turn advertises the site.
Through these two examples I found it very interesting to see how the world of social commerce works!

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