Social Media affect our decision making?




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Over the period of our course we have discussed advertising and if we as individuals pay attention to most of them on Facebook and other platforms. We did find out it was relevantly low, and that not many advertisements gain the number of hits or clicks they would like to gain. However, even though we do not pay attention to ads, we do take some time to search for various products with specific brands to our liking. 

This leads to many people reviewing, rating, sharing advises and warnings about certain products. thus leading to other customers basing their decision on the vast majority, and mainly friends recommendations. In a recent article I read, about 90% of people go into a store because of what they saw online and about 62% people purchase after researching online.

This vast percentages shows the importance of ratings and sharing behavior online, and how it affects the consumer market. However, I for one can say am not really affected by many social media reviews and ratings of products. Does social media affect your decision making?


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