now social media is saving the news industry




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nowadays, with the development of social media, less and less people will get  news from the newspaper. Instead, social platform has become a new tool to get news everyday.

according to the research:

+ 50% of people have learned about breaking news via social media.
+ 46% of people get their news online at least three times a week.
+ As of 2012, online news revenue has surpassed print newspaper revenue.

in my opinion, there are several ways making that happen. first of all, the widely use of smart phone. almost everyone has a smartphone currently and someone even addict to it and even cannot live without it. thanks to it, the ‘digital news’ can easily get people’s attention from the smart phone instead of ‘old fashion’ newspaper.

on the other hands, the data above illustrates that social platform makes it happen as well. the reason why newspaper is called news is because it can let people get breaking news at the first time. however, social platform makes it even faster. people can get breaking news from the tweet or facebook faster than the newspaper. moreover, people can discuss about it with other immediately on the platform.

so do you guys still have the habits to read the newspaper?


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